Don't respond just scroll down and mind your own business
Edited by Swifty Unknown: 9/26/2015 3:45:00 AMEveryday I go outside and look for about 15 snails, when I find my snails I go ahead and bring them inside. Once inside I take them to my counter, I proceed to get out my hammer and smash them for 5 to 10mins. After they are smashed into little snail discs, I pop them in the oven for 15mins on 450f. They then come out very nice and crispy, I then take my hammer once again and continue to smash the crispy snails. When the snails are crushed into snail dust I put them in a line and sniff all of the snail dust at once.
Denied biatch! [spoiler]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) [/spoiler]
You don't own me
I fell for the b8 m8
Once when I was young, I was coming back home from school and took pooped my pants... Whole bus was trying to find out who did it as I continued shatting my pants. Needless to say, I was proud to be the best person to do things on the low AMA
quality post
Im a rebel
You can't tell me what to do!
Get good scrub
Ill do what I want. Scrub.