My friends, I want to hear your opinion on the weapons Immobius and Fabian Strategy. I myself see these as PvE based and screaming for Defender, Immobius even suggesting such. But they're cool weapons. I won't dismantle mine and I suggest you won't either. When you grab Defender again, you're happy to have Immobius. When you fight Thrall on Lightswitch you'll bless the Fabian Strategy.
Hunters and Warlocks may do their own threads, if you please.
I love imobus as a regular shotgun. Though it is too situational to make full use of it. Fabian strategy is an okay auto rifle. I expected exotic perks for an exotic though.
The Immobius looks nice, and the stats are how I like my Shotguns. But the perks just feel wasted. They are too damn specific, and feel more like they are designed around pvp defenders than anything else. The Fabian feels like a weak Monte Carlo. I get the idea around it, but I just prefer the constant melee ability of the Monte. As someone who plays all classes, and mains a Titan, I feel the Hunter got the best uniques.
Immobius requires you to use Armor of Light to take advantage of it's main perk. For that reason alone, I don't find it anywhere close to being as useful what the Hunter & Warlock got. Not that I care because I play all 3 characters, but it's just a huge disappointment compared to what the other classes got. It should either work with any Ward of Dawn buff or get a new perk that can benefit all 3 subclasses.
Not too big a fan of immobius, mostly because i dont really use defender too much nor do i ever run armor on it. Although i love the fabian strategy. Theres so much hate on it but ive used it quite a bit and i absolutely love it
They're meh at best IMO. I never run Armor bubble and I have 3 AR's I'd rather use instead of taking up my exotic slot with FS. I'm really disappointed in them.
Fabian Strategy is a piece of crap.
I completed the quest that Banshee goves you once you're rank two but when I completed it I got the Immobius... How am I able to get the Fabian? Please help...
Immobius is cool, and is a light and snappy shotgun good for PvE even if you aren't running Defender. Fabian Strategy is a good Auto with a f***ing garbage exotic perk. Like, as a standalone rifle it's great. Solid handling, great magazine capacity, and decent sights. But the whole "Frontlines" perk doesn't work for shit. The firing rate/reload speed doesn't make any difference, so don't rely on it.
Low impact situational one class shorty. Mediocre auto. Looks pretty in the vault.
Fabian - shoots good yet perk proc rate and length of CC perk are way too low. Shotgun - insta dismantle
I love my immobius
- That Titan tho <3
I did not get the immobius quest when I reached rank 2 with my titan. I did get the exotic auto rifle quest when I reached rank 3. Is it possible when I reach rank four I could get the immobius quest?
Fabian's front lines perk doesn't seem to work if it does its miniscule. Absolutely love both guns though.
It's the best gun ever and I don't know why u guys complain
They suck
I feel like the Immobius is the worst of the 6 exclusives. It has two major flaws: Low impact and it's class specific. Look at the Susanoo or the Hunter sniper. They can be used on any class and work fine which allows you to mix and match your play style. But the Immo is forced defender Titan. And then there's the impact. If it was a low RoF Shotty then I could forgive it but it's one of the higher rate of fire shotguns with lower impact. The 45% damage nerf really hurts it bad. You're forced to have to use the shotgun on trash adds like thrall where you can make the most use out of it.
Immobius...rather amazing
Fabian is great for gun. Exotic perks doesn't do any shit. Immobius..uh, screw shotguns.
Fabian is a PVE monster
They're both amazing- Fabian strategy handles like an LMG, and is fantastic for handling hordes. And there's something really satisfying about firing shots inside a defender bubble and having near limitless ammo. Cool and practical.
I can't wait to get that Fabian strategy. I'll be able to next week! Loving my immobius though
Where do you get these? Do I have to throw money at the screen to appease RNGesus?
So far I only have the Immobius and its totally dope. Love the bonus damage perk and the fact kills inside Ward of Dawn won't expend ammo. Perfect for slaying really annoying enemies or a horde of thrall. Also synergizes well with Helm of Saint 14.