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9/26/2015 6:26:21 AM
Today 9/26/15, after completing eris morns quest in the court of oryx. I used my antiquated rune. Killed the summoned boss. My screen immediately flickered rolled, (like old floor model tvs) the screen then went black. I reset. None of my rewards carried forward the engrams I was unable to carry did not show at the postmaster. Is there anyway collectors edition exotic class items, a year two specific item be upgraded to year two and able to be progressed beyond year 1 stats. I purchased the upgrade after I was level 40. The new dance emote should replace the current dance emote. Pointing is how I get near by players attention to given a situation. (Wormsinger, skyburners, loot chest, etc.) Empty sword hilts do too much damage. I was killed in crucible weilding my sword, killed by a player without heavy ammo. Truth and gjallohorn couldn't be weilded as a baseball bat. I don't see how this is different. Thanks a fan

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