By oldest, I mean closest to beta/launch. My oldest item which I am still in possession of would have to be The Supremacy from the original Queen's Wrath event. I also have 2 Jackolytes and 3 Flight of Shadows.
EDIT: My other vanilla items are Deviant Gravity-A, Perun's Fire w/ Accelerated Coils, AOS#Cryptid gauntlets, Ghost Angel boots, Ghost Angel cloak, Dustwalker cloak and the vanilla titan IB class item.
EDIT 2: I forgot about my vanilla Dead Orbit and New Monarchy titan marks.
EDIT 3: Uploaded picture of my very first ever legendary gear drop : )
Edited by Venatria: 9/26/2015 7:46:04 PMSwarm since I got it before supremacy. Actually beta emblem.
shadow price
The Jack o lantern thing
The first crucible cloak
My Lord High Fixer!!!
on this account it would have to be my crusader or ny efrdeets spear, on Xbox i have alot but my oldest would be shadow price
Venation III Zombie Apocalypse Dead Orbit original cloaks.
The crash
Khvoztov and hunter scarf
The supremecy sinper goft from the queen before she died
Original dead orbit class items on all three characters. The swarm and zombie apocalypse vanilla lmgs. Got a few jackolytes left too
Look at my titan for relics :)
Either my icebreaker from week 2 or my the devil you know
Ghost she'll and my first green gun
Generalist Ghost Shell.
Zombie Apocalypse WF47
Oldest thing I have are db judgment 6, up for anything, and 2 mg18 harmsway's
Does still having the generalist shell count. Cause I kept it.
My vanilla faction gear.
My hunters ship is from that event but I still have lord high fixer(my first legendary) and the devil you know
Zombie Apocalypse and a vanilla red hand.
77 wizard? Possibly... Or my khvostov.
Jackolyte, flight of shadows, supremacy, and full set of queens guard gear for titan.
Edited by Der_Peevmeister: 9/26/2015 6:10:12 PMKHVOSTOV, MOTHER -blam!-ER! My first one. And The Devil You Know [spoiler][i]Let's make a deal...[/i][/spoiler]
I still have my shadow price. Haven't touched it since the first auto rifle nerf lol but it's fun to know its there