originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Exidaun stood, wondering why this Fallen would need to help a guardian.
"Anything else? Where she is? Why you work with her? Anything that might help me."
"Why do you need to know?"
"No particular reason... You need information, I need information. Simple as that." Exidaun pulled over an office chair and sat in it backwards. "What troubles me is why you haven't asked why I'm here..."
"Don't need to. I already know."
"Is that so?" Exidaun leaned back a little in his chair. "And for what reason would you say I'm here?"
"Let's see. You sound like that of an Exo. Exo's memories are usually wiped from time to time. You're here to try and find out something about before you were wiped.
"Not exactly, but...more or less."
"Close enough.
"There must be some reason we met other than to discuss our reasons for being in this deserted place... How about I hear your story, then I can tell you what I remember of mine. Maybe we can work towards some closure. Let's face it... A Fallen of your size and demeanor working with one other than your kind? There's gotta be some background to this."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, there must be a story behind you. No normal Fallen speaks English and looks to build a sparrow. So let's hear it, that is, if you're willing to share."
"As I've said, it's for a friend."
"Fair enough..."
"Now that I think about it, maybe I can help you... What if I found some of this metal you're looking for?"
"Then I'd be happy."