originally posted in:The Roleplay League
"Oh, sunbreaker. You maybe back away more. Stupid thing happens in three, two, one."
[i]I'm shielding her now.[/i]
[b]Alpha's body started to emit Solar Light, and he became nothing but one hell of a solar explosive. He died and reincarnated.[/b]
"Oh, yeah. Solar is more violent than Void."
"How the hell do you manage to make those volatile?"
"Light itself not want to be expressed in Solar and Void when i draw and channel them. I guess i'm cursed."
"Can you at least use arc light?"
"Yeah. Arc is only one that can be drawed. Or, i would be nothing but living explosive."
"Look on the bright side, you could take out a ship by doing that in the engine room."
"Indeed. Actually, i used this at Crucible, Cabal ship, Fallen Skiff, Fallen Ketch and Hive tombship."
"I wish I could see the look on their faces when you did that."
"Probably stupid face. They thought i was pinned down, then just boom! Goes everything into dust."
"Wow, I don't think I told you my name." [b]should holds her hand out[/b] "The name is xerox, and yours?"
[b]He grabbes her hand softly[/b] "Alpha-3. Nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, so, how are you today?"
"Great and terrible. My stupid ghost always won't fix the damn problem of the ship. But, i got my mission successfully done by blow cabal ship by drawing large amount of Solar light. Haha."
"Maybe I could help you with your ship."
"Nice. These are a lot of stuff that won't be available in solar system anymore. My ship, which i created with stolen Golden Age relic, is that kind of stuff."
"I have a few books on golden age stuff that could help."
"That's great." [i]Yeah. And You've never asked me to fix the goddamned ship![/i] "Are you sure you are not having memory delete, ghost?"
"Wow, you guys fight a lot."
"Yup. I've never seen any ghost more being asshat than him." [i]And also, smarter than me. Asshole.[/i] "I gotta admit that you did some impressive job, but you need to know what to do."
"You guys argue like a old married couple."
[i]Oh, Creature of the Darkness, i will disintegrate you if you say that again.[/i] "Typical threatening, ghost."
"How will you do that? All you ghosts do is open doors."
[b]Ghost summons Turrets, surrounded Alpha and her.[/b] "Ghost, stop." [i]She wanted to know, though.[/i]
"Nevermind, but still, I'm harder to kill then that."
"These turrets, looks like fragile but it can puncture my armor in a fraction of second."
"Damn, now, could your ghost opener put the turrets away?"