Left for an hour and came back to my room and to my surprise my game system was gone. I work all day to buy nice things and some PIECE OF SHIT TRASH stole the only thing I use when I come home.
Best part is it more then likely someone I know. My system is in a basement room not near any other valuable items throughout the house.
Now I can't trust my brother's or my own friends because of one stupid incident. Some days I just love this world and other days I just plain hate it.
Thank you for letting me vent and thank you even more if you took the time to read.
Update 1: Evidence is pointing to my uncle. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but odds are not in his favor. Great day when you can't trust family "That one group of people that no matter the situation they should be there for you".
Update 2: It has been confirmed that my uncle stole it. He sold it for drug money. Lesson here is drugs hurt more than just the user. Please be sure to help any of your family that he have addiction. Don't let them fall down that slippery slope.
A big thank you everyone being supportive, and even to you shit-posters ( you cared enough to keep the thread going ). We're looking into security systems, but it doesn't look like my ps3 will be returned based on the sale parameters. Also seems to be a unanimous agreement from the community to press charges.
Sucks this happened to you man. My uncle is a druggy too and it just gets to the point where enough is enough. Thank god he moved away to another city but i heard he got beat up by my little cousins and he is sleeping in the backyard. Not sure whats going on over there right now. Onto a more funny (people being stupid) story, when I was living in SF at my apartment, some guy thought I wasn't home and was trying to break in through my window. I walked into that room and said, "Hi. What the f*** you doing?" and he replies, "sorry can you open the window for me real quick? I just want to talk". "Yeah, okay give me a second", I leave the room and come back with my S90 and he ran away faster than Usain Bolt, lol.