[spoiler]you cant jsut call a bullet diable and it becomes an isntakller and he has a personal energy shield against projectiles[/spoiler]
Its the bullet that the hellbringer uses look in the almanac
Bro calling a weapon the hellbringer and making its ammo name diablo doesnt make it some dsort of god buster weapon you cant call a (mm psiotl the ULTIMATE GUn and expect it to kille everyhting
It. Is. In.the.almanac. If you look really hard you can see that the gun is there please come back and tell me what the rarity of it is when you find it in the almanac
I read it yes is unique And? that doesnt mean it can 1 shot everyhting on its path. calling somehtign diablo or hellbringer deosnt make it 1 shot everything. My has has his Chaingun, yet it doesnt one shot everything jsut beacuse its unique! One of my characters has an Unique weapon, and it doesnt one shot people, most people even seem unharmed by it!
Please read the fine print before trying to sue
Please TRY to science please i BEG you TO give me the reasearch that states that giving something cliche "Suposedly cool" names makes it powerfull. please
I shot your arm. If your character dies from that then you need to think about his anatomy
YOur bullet destroyed an energy shield capable of eating 3 120mm rounds then pierced hsi arm. is that not dunno OP wait i think thats the poitn sint it YOua re OP oyu 1 shot verythign and wlak away without damage ISNT THAT SO FUN!? I AM OUT OF HERE!
Okay have a good time!!!
I said it went through your arm. When did i say i killed you?
SO it somehow BROke thrhgt an energy sheild capable of eatin tank shells (at least 3 of em) then pierced his body armor, and his arm?