[b]Astrid leads them into a room with a bunch of medical equipment set up[/b]
"You've done this before?" He stops after they enter the door.
"Yup, I pride myself on my flexibility."
"Alright. Sawyer, you ready?"
"I'm ready. If it means I can walk again."
"Astrid, you're up." He picks Sawyer up and sets hum on the medical bed.
"Great." [b]Astrid carefully picks him up and lays him on the table[/b]
"I'm nervous."
"Don't worry, that worst that could happen is you will feel sick for a few hours." [b]Astrid places a device around his leg[/b]
[b]Astrid presses a button and holes open in the device, showing points were the needles will go[/b]
"That's trippy."
"One second." [b]Astrid wipes his skin with a numbing agent before another device whirls to life, the needles on its arms gleam as a red substance can be seen in it[/b]
Tommy watches from the doorframe.
[b]the machine begins to work on Sawyer[/b]
He crosses his arms while he waits.
[b]the needles slowly insert themselves in his flesh, they keep going until they reach his severed tendon[/b]
"Just a sting."
[b]he can feel the machine inject the red liquid into him, it fills him with a warm and comforting feeling as his tendon begins to heal[/b]
He instantly feels better.
[b]the process seems to go on forever, the blissful feeling growing larger[/b]
"What am I high on?"
"It's called a stim pak mixed with some relaxing drugs."
"Whatever it's doing, I'm definitely feeling."
"And I think it is almost done, just a few more minutes."