originally posted in:The Roleplay League
Korvic stood amongst the ruins of the black garden. Dozens of vex lay at his feet, dead. The hunter turned around, behind him was the body of a fallen comrade. He took in his hand the void, drew it into himself. It felt different than what he was used to. It wasn't at all like arc, it felt strange... Colder...
In his left hand formed a bow, and in his right and arrow. Both composed of the same light he now possessed.
He'd put it to good use.
Vex started teleporting in, surrounding him. He turned to them, and drew back the bowstring. He let loose an arrow, piercing through a line of vex. Those who survived where tethered. He took aim with another shot.
"This one's for Tevis..."
*A strange warlock in a full set of year one trials armor except for his voidfang vestements begins to help Korvic. He launched a nova bomb at the Vex it split into three and killed a lot of them leaving only a few vex*
A Warlock watches.
The battlefield became littered with the carcasses of dead vex. Each one of them pierced with an arrow of void light.
The last vex fell with an an arrow lodged straight through it's eye.
The bow in the hunter's hand dissipates. He walks over to the dead body of the other hunter and kneels down best to it, paying his respects.
"Tevis... The Nightstalker..."
He stays kneeling for a good few minutes.
The Warlock stays out of sight.
Eventually he stands up.
The Warlock waves.
The hunter looks over at the warlock.
He approaches him.
"Sorry... Do I know you?"
"Maybe, maybe not."
"I feel like I know you from somewhere.. Do I owe you money?"
"Actually yes."
"I'm Striker, remember now?"
"Striker.... Strikerrrr..... Strrrriiikerrrrrr............"
"You didn't think I could become a Stormcaller."
"You know Dante?"