Whose side would you be on and why?
Just because Stark screwed up, now every superhero has to register because.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
ITT: people voting without knowing what side supports what
I think that iron man has the best team.
Do you seriously think the government controlling an army of super heroes is a good idea?
Because heroes shouldn't bow toy he government. Tony is an unwise though he is super intelligent, he has little to no wisdom.
Cap. I know that a U.S. Government armed with superhuman soldiers would be a very bad thing.
CAP'N MERICAN JUS WANT FREEDOM!!! [spoiler]It's actually true if you read the comics. Iron man wants all super Heroes to give away their identity. Captain is against it.[/spoiler]
Deadpool. Always deadpool [spoiler] hola, mi nombre es la piscina de la muerte [/spoiler]
Depends how the story goes. If they make iron man pro list and cap anti list like in the comic, I'm for iron man. If they twist the plot like I suspect they will which makes more sense imo, and have cap support the list I'll be on team cap. If its something completely different, I dunno.
Cap has always been my favourite.
Ooh I choose Iron Man. Because he has Black Panther :P
They havin a war? A movie ? When this comming out ? Is that why they had beef in the first one
Anyone who voted Cap has lost their right to shitpost.
Are we talking movie or comics?
H8 capn america. Cocky bastard
You watched that episode of roommates didn't you?
Edited by TheNobleMoo: 9/27/2015 11:21:13 AMGonna have to go with Cap. I love Iron Man & Tony, but Captain America has better morales. [spoiler]Plus, [i]Buckey.[/i][/spoiler]
Batman with prep time. [spoiler]or Deadpool[/spoiler]
Whatever side Venom is on
Cap. If the heroes are at the call of the government, politicians can start telling them who the villains are.
Whaaaat? How can more people be for registration?
Which side has who?
Captain America has the best lineup