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9/27/2015 12:27:19 AM
Rather than insult you I will bring up several counterpoints to show the invalidity of your statement. Lets go one by one: 1. New Light System is Horrible: True that the new system is different and takes some getting used to, but once you get the hang of said process it is actually is more rewarding than the previous system. It has became more linear due to it dropping weapons and armor within your Light range. 2. Customization Eliminated: It is still possible to equip your favorite legendaries. True that the infusion system is quite tedious, but wasn't the ascension method just as tedious? As for reducing your light level, the closer the gear you are infusing is to the infused item, the more similar the light value will be (ie: infusing a 297 item into a 270 item will not make the item 297 but rather something along the lines of 285-289). 3. King's Fall Is worse than Crota's End and VOG: I will have to say you are so wrong on this one man. Crota's End felt more like a prolonged strike stricken with bugs than a raid. VOG was an amazing raid but the drop rate for weapons and armor for it was something to be desired. With this raid no longer can you be carried through by one person, rather using teamwork and communication to get through each part. I will admit the DPS races on Warpriest and Golgoroth can be very frustrating, but only if certain people are not doing their jobs correctly. This raid does have drop issues but I feel Bungie will fix this in time. I had an enjoyable time beating this raid and was very tempted to go right back in after doing it for seven hours straight and beating Oryx. I would say that this raid is a very enjoyable and fun one to participate in once everyone knows what to do. 4. Custom Games: Remember this game is spread across four consoles and Bungie does not have dedicated servers to make such things an enjoyable mode. If we did P2P custom games with the current system lag and other forms of network manipulation would run as rampant as they do now. Pretty sure given the projected lifespan of this game we will eventually see custom games. 5. Trials Of Osiris: Due to how much of a difference there is in everyone's light levels and Bungie needing to reconfigure the damage falloff as they are using a new level system I am not surprised it is gone. It would give people who "no life" the game a superior PVP advantage over those who don't have such privilege. Those people could lock down Trials and basically form a player embargo preventing other players who are not as high as them from even winning a game, also the connection issues still need to be fixed. 6. All Of Our Old Gear Is Now Obsolete: At first I was so with you on this, I hated having to get rid of my Fatebringer and Ghorn, but over time the new weapons grew on me and now with so many new weapons and gear to choose from I feel quite comfortable with the change. I did not want to be caught in the same loop of using Fate/Black Hammer/Ghorn for all endgame activities and am glad they gave us a new variety to choose from. Plus in most MMO's (and yes I know Destiny is not an MMO exactly but rather a Shared World Shooter that is trying to implement both MMO and RPG aspects) old gear is made obsolete to make way for new gear. Overall I understand some people will not like the changes made but do not make it out to be like this expansion is worse than any other of the previous. Also remember that we are only two weeks in to this DLC so alot is still to come and change. Feel free to post your counterpoints but I will not reply if it is something lowbrow or vulgar.

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  • Well said. I enjoyed the first year and played a considerable amount of there (insomuch as deleting characters and starting from scratch) but I'm glad to have the Y2 version. Some of the interesting perks are gone now and some of the new perks don't seem to be as helpful but, honestly, I'm enjoying it more. I don't feel overpowered and the game feels more like it did when you started a fresh character, that is, something you were constantly working on and towards. I guess in the end I look at it in the sense that this could have been a Destiny 2 and nothing carried over and we all started at level 1 with freshly constructed characters.

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  • My point is why did we waste a year for nothing? Plus the new players got a new collectors edition for a better deal. Thats a scam bro. But dont fall off your hamster wheel in frustration trying to defend the changes

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  • Video games are always a [i]waste[/i] when viewed retroactively. And I still laugh at all the suckers conned by Bungie when it comes to money spending. $20 on damn [i]accessories[/i] and people [b]still bought it[/b]. New players get a better deal on [b]LITERALLY[/b] all of Destiny while true fans pay 2/3 of that cost [b]JUST[/b] for this DLC AND they have to buy it to even continue playing. Not to mention normal PVP is stripped from them and so is a lot of the DLC content. Surprised Bungie hasn't been sued for this yet, I'm considering taking legal action on having things I purchased essentially and literally taken from me unless I bought TTK. TTK is great, but the core of Bungie's marketing is conning and stripping away content from you.

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  • I will agree that the Year One players did get the short end of the stick with this expansion, however you chose to continue grinding out the DLC ( I am assuming based on the fact you have knowledge of the Etheric Light situation and Crota, feel free to correct me on that) and thus you chose to accept whatever Bungie chose to do. I do think in the future Bungie must cater to the people that have been in the game longer than new players however, Activision runs their marketing so there is only so much say Bungie has in those issues. Concerning the collectors edition they did say they were going to make the class items/Emotes package separate, though I have yet to see it. The one thing that does concern me about the DLC and I have brought up on Facebook Group chats and Reddit posts is if you do not own TTK that no other content besides base story is available to players. I hope in the future Bungie realizes that is bad business practice to deny someone access to prior DLC that has been purchased due to a new expansion being put out. You have great points man I will give you that. I am glad that you are giving feedback on this as it will help Bungie realize what changes need to be made, just try and make it less aggressive and more assertive.

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