Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Edited by Dev: 10/2/2015 11:40:06 PMNeed two people for war priest checkpoint message N1NJAw1thakn1fe for invite
Need some for golgorath cp must be 290 and up
Need a team at golgorath message mr cutie face for INV and must be experienced and 295+
Need one more message me for invite gt same as above
Need 1 that can run Gaze on Golgoroth and 2 high levels for DPS. 295+ msg SmasherGaming16
Need 4 experienced players 300+ for oryx cp Msg 4 me INV
292 titan with spindle inv for fresh or oryx
Daughters CP must be 290+ and experienced GT: TheFazeli
Need 2 for Oryx. Must be 298+ with experience. You must know what you're doing and have done it before. Gt: Trap God Zeek
Edited by Eclios o1337o: 10/2/2015 9:11:50 PM295 experienced hunter looking for oryx checkpoint gt is eclios o1337o
300 lok looking for golgroth cp GT domvr6
Need 3 298+ for full raid message for invite
Need 3 for oryx cp Must be experienced and/or done it Gt same as name
Lvl 300 Hunter w/ Celestrial Nighthawk and Black Spindle, looking for group on Golgoroth CP. Experienced. GT same as above
oryx co need 3 message for invite have experience
Need 1 experienced for oryx . Helping my friends beat it. I'm lvl 307 and can do this raid blind but need an extra hand here to help the homies. Help is appreciated (:
296 warlock looking for daughters cp invite gt hardcorepants
300 warlock looking to join experienced group at Oryx GT AreUokay
Need 2 300+
Two Bubble Titans, 297 and 298 light. Experience. Looking for Oryx CP. invite KingRocketFox
Hoofedkilahaze needs help with OX check point invite him if you need one more
Looking for a Titan to do oryx checkpoint. 295+. Message Hisma
At oryx need 3 message for invite. GT same as above
Need 3 more for fresh run, please be 295+ and know what your doing! Really not looking to waste time, seriously. Message for inv: TheBasedWOLF
Need 4 at daughters. Raid completed players. 298+ light. Gt same as above
Looking for 3 more players, on ORYX cp. Be at least ✨292✨. Experience not needed but would be useful. Message GT above for invite.