Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Edited by originally: 10/27/2015 1:08:13 AMNeed 2 for oryx hard cp have tom and know what ur doing gt is same as above
Oryx Checkpoint (Hard) Need 2 Must be 305* Msg: WiseSpike
Need one at Oryx; someone had to go to work. Clean group. 305+ please. Tag is the same, thanks.
Need 3 for oryx gt plain exotic 310+
Looking for totems hard mode invite me gt same as above 309 hunter
Need 5 for hard mode oryx cp must be 310+ and have the new Heroic emblem and touch of malice. Msg: FootlessAlloy
Need 4 308+ for golgoroth checkpoint message me if you are experienced and have a high impact sniper with touch of malice.
311 warlock Looking to join at totems only Beaten the hard raid 3 times. Inv gt above.
302 Warlock GT: DeluxeHorizon99 Looking for a Totems or Warpriest CP to join, invite if you need another. This is the third character I've ran on hard this week.
Need 4 for oryx must be 305+ light to join msg GT above for an invite
Need 3 at war priest 305+ send message GT: its Matixx
Looking for 4 for oryx know what your doing. 310+ light message Antic Razgriz for invt.
At daughters cp Need 4 msg for invite
305 titan looking to do fresh hard raid with 305+ light group if you have 5 and just need 1 msg me gt same
Need 1 more for oryx checkpoint, Titan preferably, 305+ with ToM, please and thanks! Message ENLN ASSASSIN
Need 1 more for oryx checkpoint, Titan preferably, 305+ with ToM, please and thanks! Message ENLN ASSASSIN
Edited by Guardian4224: 10/27/2015 1:04:35 AMNeed 2 for glyphs cp....message for inv
Need 5 for [b]Normal[/b] totem Checkpoint Must have mic Must be 295+ Must have Experience Message UndeadBloodSaw for inv
War priest cp! Need one!
303 Hunter looking for fresh start. Gt same as name.
Hosting fresh multi run. Must have the raid emblem or touch of malice otherwise you'll be removed. Touch of malice is preferred. GT is WickedSaxxx
On sisters looking for 1 person 300+ light msg me gt same
Lf4m sisters cp 295+ with exp
Need 1 for kings fall experienced message for invite
Need one for oryx 300+ light gt as above
Looking for one more for power the glyph please be over 300 and just message me on xbox one gt foxy linkhashem