Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
[quote]Got oryx cp need 4 more weve never beaten oryx but we know the fight[/quote]
Need 2 at golgoroth one must gaze run gt xzx domino xzx
Need 5 for Warpriest cp, please be experienced message me for inv gt same as above
Oryx cp need 4 more. Not accepting inpatient people or rage quitters this is my first time at oryx. Light level 292 drop your gt
Hosting oryx cp, need 3 Must be 295 minimum with a mic and know what to do. Message over Xbox for invite GT: fear king hell
Anyone doing golgoroth 290 lock send invite gt: guidryMANE
Have daugther cp must be 290+ and know the way need 2 msg me
Need 4 oryx checkpoint Experienced players Message for inv
Level 295 hunter celestial nighthawk mask all weapons and gear 290-306
Need three for sisters cp! Must have light 290+ and experience on what to do if you want in message me Gt xblackstallx16
Add EBONY Gh0StS69 for fresh raid 293+ need 4
- Gamertag illicitkool - Light Level 291 - Class Warlock - Golgoroth CP - Need experienced players to help me with this. Can't seem to find the right people. I have no experience after this checkpoint - XB1 9pm tonight east coast time
Need 3 for raid. I have daughter cp. Must be at least 296 and have completed the raid before and work well with teams. Gt same as above
Need four for fresh run msg Corny men be experienced! 290+ light
Need 5 for raid. I have daughter cp. Must be at least 296 and have completed the raid before and work well with teams. Gt same as above
297 looking for experienced oryx team have beat plenty of times... messag me gt necr0tic bliss
Need 1 for Oryx, light must be 298 Titan or more also experienced and beaten the raid before Gt JayBravoDope
Daughters checkpoint 4 needed 280+ light preferred Just join party
Need 2 at golgoroth
Touch oilfishy84 for daughters need 1
Need one for orix must be 290+ light
Need 2 at golgorath message for invite
Need 2 players (plz be experienced) for holograph cp plz message gt above
Edited by Corza211: 9/28/2015 12:27:35 PMneed 2 more for oryx cp. plz be experienced and be over 290 light. need at least 1 titan. message Corza211
300 n 297 hunters lookn to do golgoroth, gt same
294 hunter have oryx cp looking for 1 person please know what your doing and be 290+ i can run artifact msg KUROSAKI 91 for inv