Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
294 hunter have oryx cp looking for 1 person please know what your doing and be 290+ i can run artifact msg KUROSAKI 91 for inv
Need 4 for ogre, message Motionless Wave
294 hunter have oryx cp looking for 2 please know what your doing and be 290+ i can run artifact msg KUROSAKI 91 for inv
294 hunter looking for a team. Have oryx cp and no I have not beat it. Willing to join in on golgorth though
297 hunter looking for oryx cp and a good experienced team that know what they are doing. I'm sick of playing with people that have no clue, if your team hasn't got a clue how to do it, don't invite me. Gt : I Calvin
Titan level 40 302 looking for players or join team for Golgoroth CHEKPOINT or start fresh raid.. U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
294 hunter have oryx cp looking for 5 please know what your doing and be 290+ i can run artifact msg KUROSAKI 91 for inv
Need someone with checkpoint for jump puzzle BEFORE sisters. Gt same as this
Titan level 40 302 looking for players or join team for Golgoroth CHEKPOINT or start fresh raid.. U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
297 hunter looking for oryx cp and a good experienced team that know what they are doing. I'm sick of playing with people that have no clue, if your team hasn't got a clue how to do it, don't invite me. Gt : I Calvin
Titan level 40 302 looking for players or join team for Golgoroth CHEKPOINT or start fresh raid.. U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!
Titan level 40 302 looking for players or join team for Golgoroth CHEKPOINT U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!
At oryx need 3
Fresh Run - Kings Fall 290+ Need 4 more, have experience MSG: GLITCH3YY for invite, Thanks
300 warlock looking to do fresh run for a quest on my alt, done it plenty of times so I know what to do invite Bilby93
297 titan looking for Oryx group co Gt same as above
Need one at gorgoroth gt is same as above msg for inv 290+
Anyone on Golgoroth CP please invite thanks :) (Anyone before the exotic chest before Golgoroth would also be nice :D) Invite please @ Mr BJSkinner thanks
Need 4 to do the daughters cp msg me for invite must be 290+ and know what your doing Gt : PQSxProject
Hunter Lvl 286 Looking for fresh run i have done up to Oryx before GT: Sabretuuth
LvL 296 Hunter looking for an experienced group at deathsinger checkpoint. I know exactly what I'm doing and need a good team. Gamertag : DChiLLLin
294 Light warlock with experience need golgoroth checkpoint. Know what to do or don't invite. GT: Cad12038
Light Level 295 Titan at Gorgorth Checkpoint. Need 5+ Guardians to finish Raid Gamertag: Sir Kyros Message for invite :D
Titan level 40 302 i am gonna play with my warlock 295+looking for players or join team for DAUGHTERS CHEKPONIT U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!
Need a few people who have completed or almost completed 295+ for kings fall oryx check MUST KNOW WHAT UR DOING PLEASE AND NO KIDS THANKS message BeastHerPeas
Looking to join an experienced fire team to beat oryx, I have the cp if needed...Titan with light 293 message lee42088