Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Looking to do golgoroth with anyone 295+ light I'm a 301 hunter with black spindle I've already completed the raid 3 times and am just looking to do golgoroth for the calcified fragment in the room after you beat him.
Need 4 at maze 290+ light and experience with golgoroth. Msg gt above for inv
Looking to do golgoroth with anyone 295+ light I'm a 301 hunter with black spindle I've already completed the raid 3 times and am just looking to do golgoroth for the calcified fragment in the room after you beat him.
Need people for oryx cp must have done the raid before message hugazombie12 for invite
294 warlock, wanting to do the powering totems or fresh, I've completed the entire raid twice
Edited by WW Apollo: 9/28/2015 4:53:47 AMWilling to do golgoroth with anyone 295+ light and just golgoroth I'm a 301 hunter with black spindle I prefer two titans with weapons of light if you got a raid group inv me gt same
293 Titan looking for Totem room CP GT: DiabolicPixel
296 light level warlock invite me gt The Furs Oryx cp only I have if needed
293 light level warlock invite me gt The Furs Oryx cp only I have if needed
Need 1 for oryx. We know what to do . If you do not and haven't completed it don't join. Mag SPLATZY for invite
Need 5 298 plus At oryx cp MUST HAVE DONE IT BEFORE Dont want to take all night
Titan looking to run gorg Know how to run gaze
Need 2 for golgoroth
Need 3 people at oryx checkpoint. Need 3 who have already beaten it 300+. Message: HeadStartz for inv
Need two 295+ for Golgoroth checkpoint who know how to take his gaze. Gt same as above. Message for invite.
Need 4 for oryx checkpoint. I'm 293 light but it's my 3rd character and I've beat it before. Message the Gt above for an invite.
Golgoroth checkpoint need 3 more people message Rythm Of Soulz for invite on Xbox one
Need 3 for fresh I have beaten the raid I am playing on a second character so I'm only 290 be 290+ no lower Msg for inv
Edited by mikdiggs: 9/28/2015 3:32:51 AMneed gogloroth cp have oryx for trade.... xbone gt mikdiggs
need team for oryx cp 297 warlock gt same as above
+1 fresh run message in game :)
You need at least 295 light with emblem as proof because I'm tired of getting people who don't know what there doing Need mic as well Msg thewayofharmony for an invite Please be patient don't leave right away
297 warlock lookin for oryx cp. Have done it before but haven't beaten it yet
Invite me to your group! At Golgoroth cp Light 294 Titan Experienced Same gt as above
Need one for orxy 295 plus good sniper message on game for invite
Need 2 for totems,be over 295, or have kings fall raid emblem