Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Need 3 experienced for oryx. Must have beaten him before. 295+ gt same as above message for invite not looking to be at this all night.
Need one for sisters
Second last part of kings fall, looking for people above 295 please message gt above need 3!
Need 3 for warpriest cp
Starting fresh need 3 message me for invite experienced please
Looking for one person for Oryx. 290+ light and a Mic is required. Msg me on Xbox one Gt is the same as my name. we need a titan with weapons
Need 4 more for 295+ Sisters checkpoint. Experienced only. Don't want to take all night. Message "IG DJ Not Nice"
298 Hunter Looking for Group Kings Fall Raid Plenty of experience GT: SSG RIOS Invite please
Need ppl for oryx cp, must be 295 and know what your doing
I'm a 299 Titan looking for Golgeroth cp. I'm doing this for fun so I don't want to screw around with mess around with a bad group. I have emblem don't ask. GT SAME AS NAME. ONLY INV IF EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP IS 295+. no "I'm 291 but I know the fight" bs I don't have time.
Have 2 for golgoroth. Invite honeybadger1510
At oryx cp need 297+ light people, MUST KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING, and a titan or 2 with weapons of light in total need 5. Msg elmogonna cut u for inv
Titan level 40 302 i am gonna play with my warlock 295+looking for players or join team for DAUGHTERS CHEKPONIT U can msg me on my xbox one gamertag same as above NO 1 DIE5ELTJE Know what you are doing! DO NOT MSG ME IF U DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!
Need 1 for daughters light 296+ must have good snipers Need celestial nighthawk hunter Mag stebosports7 for invite
Need 3 for daughters checkpoint. Message apocalypto412
Looking for golgoroth or oryx cp 296 hunter NZ Benn
Looking for oryx cp invite me I'm a Nightstalker Lvl 296
Need 3 for totems have to know what to do only 295 up only Message need for juice
Looking for oryx cp invite me I'm a Nightstalker Lvl 296
Need 4 for oryx. Must have 297+ light recommemnded. Msg PETROLcanGeoff
Need 3 and a runner at oryx cp
296 warlock. I've beaten the raid and know what I'm doing. Looking for an experienced team at sisters. Gt: runswthsquirrel
298 warlock with oryx checkpoint four more
298 defender very experienced. Looking to do [u]deathsinger[/u] checkpoint . Inv- Gandalfs horse
Oryx checkpoint msg the gt above for inv
Need a group I am at golgoroth Gt AbeFroman2015