Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Have warpriest cp need 4 must have done it before i cannot backpack anymore. I have beaten oryx
Need 4 295+ light golgoroth cp
need one for oryx. Know what to do. 295+
Need 2 for oryx checkpoint 295+ light lvl and know what your doing
---Oryx Checkpoint--- Need 3 players, 295+ Must have proof of Oryx kill (main hand or emblem) Message GreatGunShot for Invite.
Need 1 for oryx Message thegarlicnaan for invite Must be 300plus Must know how to do it
Need one Ogre checkpoint. Looking for experienced 295 light+ message chiy0shi for invite and claim your new armor piece.
Fresh run message f0rg0t3n gamer for Inv pls no what your doing 295+
Looking for a team for golgoroth 290+
Stormcaller warlock here with a light level of 299. We need two more people for Oryx and must be experienced with the raid. Also need to have a light level of 290 and up. If you are interested my xbox gamertag is Fighter X96
Need 2 for oryx cp
Need 5 for first boss fight must have mic and L294+ message me on xbox one GT same but O's are 0's and the E's are 3's
need one for oryx cp msg: DivineInception for invite
need 1 at daughters know what to do add OnXz
299 Hunter have beaten Oryx looking for Sisters checkpoint please know what to do. Invite Troffles
Nightstalker Lvl 296 looking for oryx cp
At totems need 2 with 290+ light MSG TwiisteDxNiiNJA for inv!
291 Titan looking for golgoroth in lease invite. GT same as above
293 Titan looking for warpriest checkpoint Invite jackstar117
296 titan looking to join experienced team with oryx cp...I know what to do....Gt same as above
Need 4 295+ for Warpreist Experienced only
295 Warlock with XP looking for team to start at Deathsingers CP. I have the CP. Please send invite to GT [b]Zeen6[/b]. You can then make me the leader and we can start at Deathsingers.
Need 4 for war priest message lilchris2001 for an invite 290 +
298 Titan looking for a group for sisters GT Freedomjoe
Golgoroth checkpoint message for invite Must have light level 287-290+
295 warlock already beat oryx three times this week this is my 3rd character, U have emblem and primary weapons to prove it. Have black spindle as well, looking for totems or warpriest checkpoint invite - cCougar