Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
Need 5 for deathsingers must be over 290 and experienced
Looking to do golgoroth
I͟ n͟e͟e͟d͟ 5 m͟o͟r͟e͟ p͟e͟o͟p͟l͟e͟ w͟h͟o͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ d͟o͟n͟e͟ i͟t͟ please join know what you're doing 292 or higher to join have Mic Im a 293 war lock know what I'm doing have a sniper or a scout rifle gt above and i have oryx cp message me for invite gt above
Need 2 for deathsingers cp 295+ with experience Msg GT: Vinh30
Need 4 people and warpriest cp, must have beaten the full raid before and have the title to prove it or ull be kicked, no time wasters, want a nice easy stressfree run, message for invite :)
Need 3 more for golgoroth Must be at least 290 light Message me on Xbox gt above
We need one for the sisters cp.
3 295 + guys looking to finish Oryx we have CP...this is out 1st time so if anyone would like to join and help out feel free! Send inv to GT: Lord Big J
I͟ n͟e͟e͟d͟ 5 m͟o͟r͟e͟ p͟e͟o͟p͟l͟e͟ w͟h͟o͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ d͟o͟n͟e͟ i͟t͟ please join know what you're doing 292 or higher to join have Mic Im a 293 war lock know what I'm doing have a sniper or a scout rifle gt above and i have oryx cp message me for invite gt above
I͟ n͟e͟e͟d͟ 5 m͟o͟r͟e͟ p͟e͟o͟p͟l͟e͟ w͟h͟o͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ d͟o͟n͟e͟ i͟t͟ please join know what you're doing 292 or higher to join have Mic Im a 293 war lock know what I'm doing have a sniper or a scout rifle gt above and i have oryx cp
I͟ n͟e͟e͟d͟ 5 m͟o͟r͟e͟ p͟e͟o͟p͟l͟e͟ w͟h͟o͟ h͟a͟v͟e͟ d͟o͟n͟e͟ i͟t͟ please join know what you're doing 292 or higher to join have Mic Im a 293 war lock know what I'm doing have a sniper or a scout rifle gt above and i have oryx cp
Lf raid group, need 3. !!! I HAVE GOLGORTH CHECKPOINT!!! MUST HAVE DONE THE RAID B4, IF YOU HAVENT YOU WILL GET KICKED Titan lvl 40 with 296 light I have sniper and sword or machine gun, also a. Auto rifle from the raid. Almost fully upgraded Sunbreaker class. And Max other classes. Message: drakwil07
Golgoroth CP NEED one GT-SlothmanCTB
Need 5 for war priest cp message lilchris2001 for an invite
Looking for an experienced team to beat oryx with my gt is same as above
Need 2 at totems. Please know what to do and be 290+ message North Murr for inv.
Need 5 for Oryx CP Must have killed him before and be 295+ light
Looking for cliff puzzle after golgoroth for Chest & Calcified fragment
Need a Team for Daughter Checkpoint Must Have Experience No assholes Message UndeadBloodSaw for inv
Starting at warpriest. Need Players 300+. Don't waste my time gamer tag above
Looking for Oryx cp I'm a Nightstalker Lvl 296
I'm a 300 hunter relic runner lfg for oryx cp Must have beat the raid before I wanna see emblems or primary raid weapons with a 300 plus sniper and good lmg Must know all the mechanics if ur shit ur kicked don't waste my time
Has oryx cp 290 hunter need 4 message Obey Crazy for inv
need 3 for death singers must be 300+ message for invite and know what you are doing or you will be kicked
Looking for experienced group for daughters. msg for invite