Hey guys I've often found myself and others looking for challenge mode checkpoints in the raid
So I decided to make a topic for everyone to share there's in .
Leave what checkpoint you have down below and your gamer tag .
Leave you class and light level also so people may invite you.
Don't forget to favorite ,and comment on this topic so more people will post their checkpoints here for an easiar find.
297 hunter looking for oryx cp no what I'm doing and can relic run send invite sane GT
Need 1. Fresh
Deathsinger cp need 2
Looking for 5 to do fresh run. Ive beaten the raid before and i am light level 305, hunter with celestial nighthawk. Messege bloodybutcough for invite.
Need team for oryx. 303 light hunter invite xnBlazexc
Looking for 3 experienced players to do oryx with. All 3 of us have already done it. Must have completed it b4 and be able to listen to instructions. Message for invite
298 hunter looking for daughters cp. have beaten the raid several times, on third character
298 hunter looking for oryx experienced team and can run relic inv same gt as above
Need 1 for daughters Cp. Please be light level 295+ and have experience. GT: JADAWG12
Level 40/ Light 295/ Titan/ mic/ got Oryx Checkpoint looking to join a team that helps me finish the raid please. GT above
Need 3 for fresh run message Pr0headsh00ter to join
Need 2 at Oryx checkpoint msg for invite. Gtag same as above
Daughters Cp. Need 3. Please be experience atleast and light level 295+ GT: JADAWG12
Need 4 297+ for oryx Message on console for invite Gt is same as above
Need 2 for oryx cp Be 295+ Has to have completed raid before Msg m4d venom for inv
Hosting fresh raid, 285+. Newbies welcome. Would be good to get a decent mix of new and experienced to teach the raid. Let's get some laid back raiders and have fun. I'll be streaming the raid as well. Need 5. I'm a 296 warlock, touch of malice, etc. Please have a Mic. GT: xbl mil yon air
Need 2 298+ Experienced oryx cp Sniper is a must have! Message me VenomFizzY
Need 3 for fresh run message chevyboy81 for invite
Need more for oryx checkpoint must know fight msg me for inv
Light level 294 Hunter Have Mic Looking for a Oryx cp only. Gt Dark Swift 92 Have done up to Oryx
Need 3 for oryx have emblem gt TOBIASJOHAL
Need 5 ppl. 295+ and emblem for fresh kings fall. Gt is boabby wan
One more for golgoroth - send message for invite
Looking for glyph cp I have a lot of experience with the raid and have touch of malice invite mincinxdicin
Need 5 for daughters cp Msg: Areo Reza for inv