Okayyy so I should make my own bungie account, even though my character is on his??? Is that possible to do??
It would mean you have to start your own account on your console. Starting from scratch seems daunting but we have players making new characters quite often and the new release has started the gear and weapon grind all over again anyway. If you have your own account you can still use the same copy of destiny, you don't have to buy a new one.
Okayyy I see. Well although it would be a hassle lol I guess I'll give it a try.
Quite a few of us started on a partners account and then took the big step of making our own accounts :) myself included
Essentially, the folks in the clan need to know that when they reach out to you to group up, they're getting the woman who joined the clan, and not anyone else. We are mindful that while some folks in our clan regularly play with male friends, others are not comfortable doing so. As our mission is to provide a safe space for female gamers, each member having her own account supports that mission. The mechanics of how that will work for you, I'm not familiar with, as I created my own account and had my own characters from the beginning. Hope that helps!