[b]They back off slowly, no firepower could beat that easily [/b]
[b]they wait for you to leave[/b]
[b]A few gunships pick them up, but leave a team near their base to fortify defenses[/b]
[b]the matrarchy monitors them and mechs patrol the walls[/b]
[b]they launch a high altitude defense platform that overlooks their base[/b]
[b]several air ships lift off from the matriarchy city[/b]
[b]They are hailed on all channels[/b] "Clarify intent"
"Turn back or be fired upon" [b]Several chainguns rev up and a MAC cannon activates[/b]
[b]their hyper rail guns power up and so do their MAC plasma cannons and Glave beams[/b] "Stand down unless you're looking for war you were trespassing in Matriarchy territory"
"We are well outside your city, divert course or be destroyed" [b]Several stasis cannons activate as well as a guided rocket system [/b]
[b] a large nuke beam cannon emerges from the center of the city[/b]
[b]Heavy shields materialize[/b] "Last warning, negotiation is an option"
"Just because you were outside of our walls doesn't mean you weren't in our territory"
"Negotiation for territory"
"You were warned" [b]The platform begins to fly away firing all weapons[/b] [b]The base below is evacuated[/b]
[b]the nuke beam is fired decimating the base in seconds[/b]
[b]... Or so was thought, the shield fired a counter EMP, neutralizing the cannon, and it hits Mach 5, flying away[/b]