Last night and afternoon, I was trying pick up groups to kill Oryx only. 5 Groups later... and several hours of frustration... We killed it. 6 Random people, no one knew each other, we did what many think impossible. I'm not saying we're the first group of randoms... but this gave us all hope and joy that we could do it again.
I'm not bragging nor am I here to be elitist... we weren't. We had people who were 292-296 Light level using a bunch of different weapons and specs.
What I am saying, is Don't Give UP. This Raid is doable, as is Oryx. It takes practice, Pattern recognition, teamwork and above all else COMMUNICATION.
Don't Give up, you can do this. Get out there Guardians!
Kill Video:
Profile as proof:
All the best.
Edited: Removed "Pug"
How can a dog beat oryx?