-daego sidesteps easily and shoots him in the head and slashes at it. He boosts away attempting to avoid any contact. He speeds around the room shooting and slashing at the remaining mummies-" well you sure as hell weren't guarding me" -daego cautiously approaches the door and attempts again to open it-
[b] The symbols have stopped glowing, and the door eases open. You see a room, simply a room. Barren of anything.[/b] [spoiler] Btw, from now on take the fights a step at a time. Don't complete it in one reply. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]ight[/spoiler] -daego cautiously enters the room he scans his surroundings-" oh man this is probably some type of puzzle like breathing in mozarts 8th symphony" he walks around the room-
[b] The room is completely empty. Stone walls, floor, and ceiling. But if there were a secret entrance....[/b]
"Hmm what if there was a tile that was special."-he proceeds to knock on every tile he can in the room cautiously-
[b] One tile falls off the wall, revealing a keyhole set into the wall.[/b]
-daego uses his key and puts it in the hole. He proceeds to turn it-
[b] The walls on the other side of the room behind you split open, revealing another room cloaked in darkness. You have to move forward to see anything in there.[/b]
-daego moves forward to get a better look in the room-
[b] you see a golden sarcophagus in the huge room, about 8 feet in length. Next to it is a spear on a pedestal.[/b] http://img06.deviantart.net/1f78/i/2011/356/0/3/palantir_spear_by_stephanchrist-d4jvftd.jpg
- daego whistles, walks over and picks up the spear feeling it in his hands- " so hawt, now lets see the goodies inside this bad boi" - he attempts to open the sarcophagus-
[b] The spear sends what seems like a million volts of electricity through your arm, making you drop it. The sarcophagus lid blows off in a high pressure wave of air, sending you to the wall.[/b]
-daego gets dazed for a few moments, he then gathers himself and groggily scans the room-" aww crap whats next? More mummies?"
http://imgur.com/k7m1hME [b] This being levitates out of the coffin, setting his feet down on the stone floor, and staring at you. He speaks in a booming voice.[/b] "Who dares trespass into my domain?!"
-seems taken aback- "uhhhhhh well you see i am a... Treasure hunter and it seems i have awoken what looks to be a god... Hehe sorry"
[b] He speaks again.[/b] "I am Anubis mortal. Guardian of the Underworld. Give me one reason why I shouldn't send you to Osiris right now!"
" why my lord anubis, I daego have mistakenly awoken you from your slumber for... A reward and sadly i will still go to any lengths to retrieve this reward. This does not have to end in blood shed... Unless you want it to."
[b] He chuckles and puts out his Hooked Staff, and TK's you up the wall.[/b] "Was that a challenge Mortal?!"
"Damn. Uhh well you see i was uhhh facinated by your role and uhh well wanted to see if anything was here. And i was right to worry soo thank god i made it. And thank osiris i pulled one off your coffin" -daego pulls out an ankh charm- " now lets see if the story is true"
[b] He laughs a booming laugh.[/b] "You need to stop reading the stories mortal. Ankh's have no worth nor meaning to me. They have no effect. Now again, give me a reason why I don't send you to Osiris right now."
- he puts the ankh charm away and shrugs-" one reason? Alright then, i haven't completed my life yet. And if you were to kill me now the world would be... Unfinished. Lord Anubis, i am not yet finished."
[b] He laughs[/b] "I love un-completed lives mortal. That's all I ever see."
- he chuckles-" oh man, Anubis those people you see. They are done with their lives. I am not you are the best at what you do not even the judges of asphodel can compare to what you do those petty greek gods think they are the greatest? Anubis you are the one true judge and you cannot be bested at that so please i beg of you just let me pass."
[b] He snarls.[/b] "this form is Greek Mortal. My preferred form. Anpu is my Egyptian form." [b] He TK slams you into the wall.[/b]
-a little dazed-" yeah okay um can we just liek agree that you shouldn't try to kill me? I am just a mortal after all. Hehe but uhhh yeah seriously please do not kill me oh great powerful guide
[b] He rolls his eyes.[/b] "Are you familiar with my test Daego?"