I am a Hunter (Nightstalker) light level 300. I solo'd it but did not get the essence of the feast and don't wanna do it again solo. I will not be using a mic but a mic is not necessary anyway. Message me for an invite. GT: goobawhoba (Xbox One btw)
I need two. Msg MLC ELITE for invite or invite me
I need 2. XBox one Gt same as above
I did it solo and got the feast. I noticed though you don't get it from the vex ultra, mine dropped from a named hive (wizard?), not exactly sure but it stood out because it did not belong among the vex. It spawned during the boss fight.
Same happened with me, I did it a second time with a buddy and we split up, one on each side and we eventually saw him, if all the vex spawn and he spawns they will fight each other and they can kill him so just keep and eye out for him