Please dont.......hurtbme.......
[b]he uses his claws to rip your shirt off[/b]
(I'm guessing you pulled off all my armor and I now just have the undershirt on. Also, I give you no permission to kill her) *under is her bra*
(I won't kill her) [b]he growls[/b]
*she looks away and cries* Please......
[b]he rips off the rest of your clothes and laughs when he notices you crying[/b]
(Making me naked. Nice) *cries more, completely naked and chained up*
[b]he suddenly stops making any noise and his head falls off his shoulders and this figure walks out of the darkness[/b]
God damn it......
[b]she walks over and takes out her plasma cutter and shoots the chain holing you to the wall then hands you some pants and a shirt[/b]
Thank you....... *she puts them on*
[b]she hands you a pistol and motions for you to follow[/b]
I need.......my staff........ (Reread My bio, I added something)
[b]she nods and walks away then comes flying back and slams into the wall with her shoulder bleeding and her R.I.G. on her back is red and almost empty.[/b]
Oh no....
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/28/2015 12:45:19 AM[b]she stands up holding her left hand on her bleeding right shoulder and her helmet retracts[/b]
*falls, becoming weaker and weaker
[b]two more night remnants walk into the light. One of them grabs you and slams you against the wall and the other throws her against the wall and digs his claws into her stomach then slams her against the wall again while holding her by the neck.[/b]
[b]she struggles but can't get out of his grip he then punches her knocking her out then letting go of her letting her fall to the ground. One of them walks away and the other one starts removing your clothes[/b]
God.....damn it.......
[b]general Alexia crashes through the ceiling grabs the night remnant and snaps his neck and grabs you and Lilith and flies back through the ceiling[/b]
"I'll get you back to new Palaven then come back for your staff" [b]a few minutes later she takes you and Lilith to the Med lab in the palace[/b] "If I'm not back in 24 hours I'll probably be dead or is a similar situation to what you were in"
Um......right........I think you remember I need........the staff........