Forum to search for other players to do Court of Oryx!
Got I got 8 antiquated runes. Just need someone with the rank 2 runs gotta kill 3 of them bosses add me if your down
Need to do agra rune for fragment anyone else wanna do it. Xbox one Gt ijjjust
Need someone with a charged agonarch rune for my last fragment, would be much appreciated! Message sphericgrunt592 Xbox one
Need 1 for court of oryx message me on xbox for invite gamertag is weededpablo
Rune Party, message for invite. GT Same as above
need 2 i have tier 12and 3 need to do 2 and 3
Need 5 for court of oryx, preferred if 270+, Xbox one, message: Sick Thrift
Got tier 3 and 2 runes need help Warlock 304 Gt: SuperemeAngel
Just doing some farming, got lots of runes to blow, Xbox one.
have an antiquated rune just need a team . Gt: Kos Shreader
need 3 stolen and 1 ant
Need a group for antiquated Rune, Msg me for an invite.
Need some for court of oryx. Message for invite
We have two fireteam a at same place just need to recruit more to have 6 at court to smash runes. Join surferzac
Court of oryx t3. Mess fpr inv
Need 1 msg KoS Shreader for inv.
Looking for group for tier 3 gt W0LF LEGACY1988
314 hunter wanting to do all ruins and have some fun! Hit me up gt same as above
Need 1 more for court of oryx - running all Runes
311 warlock invite me for fresh start Gt: TryNotToRage7
Need 1 more for trails - running all runes
Gt same as above no zeros in gt. Send msg for invite. T2_3
Looking for one more (Xbox one) for T2 and T3 Message Kabibler for invite
Need help with tier 3 court of oryx for touch of malice quest
Need help running t2 court of oryx. Gt same as above no zeros in gt send msg for invite or invite me.
Need two to run t2 court