Forum to search for other players to do Court of Oryx!
Need two to run t2 court
300 Titan Looking for court of oryx Please invite
Court of oryx t3. Mess for inv
Looking to do the T3 in under 2 min anyone wanna help
Looking for people to do the tier 3 rune msg 4 invite
Looking for ppl to do court of oryx with. GT same as above.
need 2 for court of oryx
Need 2 for court of oryx message for inv gt same as above need antiquated runes
301 warlock looking for 2 for Court of Oryx for Antiquated Rune snd msg to juann014
315 hunter looking for group i have 3 antiquated 2 stolen 38 reciprocal
Edited by ogeeitslee: 11/11/2015 10:33:57 PMLfg court of oryx tiers 2 and 3 mostly. 306 light
Need team for level 3 court, 305 worlock, Timmymallet888
Need team for level 3 court, 305 worlock, Timmymallet888
313 hunter looking for a group to run an antiquated rune
313 hunter looking for a group to run an antiquated rune
Need team for level 3 court, 305 worlock, Timmymallet888
Need team for level 3 court, 305 worlock, Timmymallet888
Invite and will help. Warlock 292. Gt same
300 hunter, need 4 for court, Timmymallet888
300 hunter, need 4 for court, Timmymallet888
Running all types of Runes in Court of Oryx - Msg for Inv - Xbox 1
Need 2 for t3 Message thegarlicnaan for invite Xb1
Looking to do t2 and t3 runes xb1
Need a group to do tier 3 rune at court
Have antiquated rune, need more people to help on Xbox On GT: Choke a Bee
need 2 for antiquated message same as above for an invite