Forum to search for other players to do Court of Oryx!
Need 2 to farm omnigul Come get cool rewards like grasp of maloc and the warlock bond GT w gatekeeper w
Need help T3 court and gonna do 1 T2 in process
Titan 304 looking to join a group to farm at court of oryx. Inv Makemosh (xone)
Need 1 for antiquated rune Message SalvatruchoMLG I'm a 317 Titan
Need 2 more for kings fall raid. Please come and join us chrisintokyo above 300 please
Hey I need to do stolen runes msg xDiss
Doin some courts to get fragment. Need help. msg in game for inv
Lookin for 2 more on this weeks challenge Msg for INV xschmoozex
307 Hunter missing 2 fragments for ToM can be stolen antiquated or both stolen
310 hunter need to do a tier 3 court msg in game for inv
need help with tier 3/ charging an agonarch rune. Message/inv: HEY EJ
Need help with tier three court GT Nifty Talent
Add me looking to do court of oryx "Based MikeyMo"
Let's do mini Crota message BlackDonkeyJew
Need some people for mini Crota
Anyone looking to do Crota Jr?
316 Titan availble for court inv DETH69
310 Warlock looking for help with Tier 3
Need people do tier 3 Msg wicksy1998 for inv
Anyone doing tier 3
Need people to do tier 3 Msg wicksy1998
Need people to do tier 3 Msg wicksy1998
Anyone doin court need to kill corta dude
Anyone down for teir 2 and 3 of court of oryx
? Any one wanna do it
Anyone up for court of oryx have all tiers ready to go gt MAX P0WER25