Forum to search for other players to do Court of Oryx!
I'm a 296 Titan looking for some stolen and a antiquated runes. I have one stolen. Msg for invite
Looking to do tier 2 for my last calcified fragment. Msg of invite me same gt.
Looking to join a fireteam doing court of oryx on tier 3 just invite me on xbox one foxy linkhashem
Looking for help with tier 3. Have runes. Skilled players message or reply for invite
Need a fireteam for tier 2 court of oryx. Need 2 more calcified fragments from the tier 2 drops. Message Mango22 for inv
Need 2 I have a charged stolen rune, gt is Superbad150, message me and I'll send an invite, im already there
Need 2 for 1 antiquated and many more. Gt DawgFather33
I may only have 2 reciprocal runes. But I have 296 light if that helps anyone. Just invite me please
Need 3 for antiquated rune
287 skilled player looking for help with tier 3. I have rune msg or comment for inv
294 warlock looking g for somw court fun
Have antiqued rune want to beat crota. Need as many as I can get. Walkermason gt 293 warlock
296 warlock just looking to have fun and play some court of oryx.
296 Titan. Looking to do some court of oryx. Please invite. Sirpiteroth