If I see you wearing a year 1 emblem you can expect a kick from me.
You all Year 1s think you are better, well news flash! Your not. Your a joke.
All I see from the forums are: let's troll year 2! How can we fool year 2? If your not from year 1 you suck!
Well I've had enough and I'm going to kick you year ones at the end near the rewards! Hahahah I'm laughing so hard! [i]WishYouLuckk Boys[/i]
Why would I even want to join the fire team? You don't even have the taken King.
W=========D -----------------------> your face
You aren't able to do those anymore. Lol wreck.
And you think people will play with you haha must be year two
Yes, because people are standing in line to play with you.
Bro take those flawless emblems off all your characters like you're trying to prove something lol [spoiler]get carried much haha[/spoiler]
Its ok... You cant play ToO anyway
rofl OP cant even afford TTK much less complete his triumphs
You're not your... stay in school
Lol ok god, 2750 grimoire and all flawless emblems you proably bought from kiosk from having 1. I wouldnt let you kick me, id leave first
Shut up kid. You're bad. Year one or year two you find asshats from both. I don't care about your opinion if you just want to write us all off. Muted.
You ain't gona be able to raid or do ToO without the Taken King Bitch
Your garbage kid - Year 1 vets
I'm so confused, you'd kick me because Im using an emblem from year 1? An emblem I've been using since Alpha?
I just like how they look I honestly don't give two shits that im a year one guardian It gives me storys to tell new players I could tell them of the loot caves or randall or atheon or xylar or WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE!
FAKE! You are not the true Luke Smith, u fagot, 1v1 me quikskop m9
People have to join you to do the raid or ToO. Why would people do that if your such a bitch in the first place?
*looks at grimoire and pukes. Looks at emblem shits himself. Looks at level and cries himself to sleep* The irony is your wearing trials emblems
Try moving this to #ignorance
Says the kid who doesn't even have ttk
A bit too obivous, don'tcha think?
Wow. Somebody's just upset they didn't finish the mot.
Mmmmm Kay
Muted for not even having the taken king