[spoiler]I only have one Theron and if your asking if i'm also using someone else no [/spoiler]
The reason you shouldn't kill me, hmmm. Are you aiming at me because my criminal past? I defended an elderly woman in my home city, and here is shot the leader of a biker gang. I shot some of his friends, but he escaped. Then I was jailed for murder, but a rogue psion busted me and some other prisoners out. I never seen the psion after. The reason behind not killing me, is you are sparing a good man, and gaining a potential asset within the force.
"I don't care about the police force but since you did not actually commit a crime your fine" -He moves his sniper down-
I take it you don't like criminals?
"I hate men who ruin people's lives"
I know the pain. Reason I hate dealers.
"I was a mass murderer for a cause called a country effort I regret every bit of it"
Don't worry. If you regret it, that means you have a sense of morality. Something I haven't felt in years.
"Still 12,653 dead by my hands"
Shit. Whatever happened to the others in your cause, if you don't mind me asking?
"Hashmael my brother alive the rest who knows another time another place"
Aight. Well, I ought to be going. Names JT, by the way. Look to the rooftops if you need anything
I leave