originally posted in:True Exile
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We have reached 100 clanmates.
No more can be accepted at the moment, we have to wait until they leave...
In which case, I hope you don't leave.
I also hope you're having a great time at True Exile.
And, I'm sorry I have not been very active at the moment.
What it do? I have been removed from this grand old clan. Trust no one in this run down excuse of a clan. This might be petty but hey so is the founder of this clan. This was once a happy go lucky place where people minded there own gosh darn business but it fallen just like Crota in a sad pit of it own shit.Please as a past admin i hope, NO i plea that you leave this clan and find a better replacement. Much like the other clans in the dead orbit alliance they seem like some cool ass dudes who actually work together and fun. If you have any questions on why this clan sucks Oryx left and right nut please fill free to message me @ GT: CambridgeAliyah.