Rto15 wakes In the middle of the jungle in Venus. He was just on a patrol when he was captured by vex and thrown into the jungle to die. He starts to move out of the jungle but finds something strange, a vex time gate. "Ghost, could you give me an idea of what this will do to me if I walk into it?" "If you insist." Replies my ghost. "The best thing that could happen is you could get out of the jungle. On the other hand, your body could get torn to shreds and lost at the edge of time. So... Your call." "Eh" I say "After thinking about this for a whole 3 seconds, I can confirm that I will absolutely not be safe. So I'm going in!" "WAIT!" Cries my ghost "THIS LEADS RIG..." I teleported to the black garden. "...ht to a full scale cabal assault on the garden..." "So, when we're you planning to tell this to me ghost?" I replied. "There is a cave up ahead with two other guardians in it. We can meet up with them and try to find away out of here." I started running towards the cave and saw the guardians. I waved but got no response. "Hello?" I spoke into the cave. There was something strange about these two... Suddenly they lash out at me! Guns blazing I run deeper into the cave. "GHOST! PUT ME ON A LINK FOR THE TOWER! I NEED BACKUP IN THE GARDEN NOW. TWO ROUGE GUARDIANS ARE WAITING OUT A BATTLE AND TRYING, to take it lightly, TEAR OUT MY FLESH AND BRAINS, TURN THEM INTO AMMO AND EAT THEM. So, there super cool and all BUT PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!"
"Message sent to the tower. I will be notified when I get a response" Chimed Ghost. I turned and fired my shadow shot. Nothing killed just tethered. "That should hold them for now."
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