*he sighs*
[b]Getting a better look at him you see Murph, but anything that was red is now bright white. He has a torn-off and coiled tendril on his left arm that resembles a shield, and a few torn-off tendrils wrapped together in the form of a holy, presumably where the white blade came from earlier.[/b]
"Providence? Wait, have you guys found Red?"
"Red? Who's red?"
"Dammit... We have to go. Get up."
[b]He gets up and dusts himself off.[/b]
*we start to walk* "Providence, talk to me, what's going on? Where's Red?" [Providence] "I- I- I-" "Spit it out." [Providence] "wha?" "Providence what the heck is wrong with you? Get hit with an EMP or something?" [Providence] "Who's providence?" "This isn't a time for games." [Providence] "Red... Is that me?" "GAH... I'm getting nowhere with you. What happened to him Jack?"
"He said that he got Amnesia, but he doesn't know how. I'm guessing it just kicks in ever now and then."
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 9/28/2015 3:44:58 AM"Amnesia? AI don't get amnesia as far as I know."
"I have no idea then. I barely know the guy."
*Murph removes his red cape, revealing robotic structure underneath. His face was simply a facade.* "Looks like he took some nasty impact... You guys get in a fight with something else?"
[b]He blinks twice before speaking.[/b] "We fell down here. We were walking and the floor just crashed and we took a huge fall."
"Really? That had to be nearly a mile drop... Seems something cushioned the fall, and the impact damage is nowhere near his head or memory banks. The only reason he would be acting up-" *he stays silent and stops in his tracks* "Don't. Move." [b]A large cloud of shadow starts to pass in front of them.[/b]
[b]Jack remains still and silent. He doesn't move an inch.[/b]