"He said that he got Amnesia, but he doesn't know how. I'm guessing it just kicks in ever now and then."
Edited by Murph Tha Smurf: 9/28/2015 3:44:58 AM"Amnesia? AI don't get amnesia as far as I know."
"I have no idea then. I barely know the guy."
*Murph removes his red cape, revealing robotic structure underneath. His face was simply a facade.* "Looks like he took some nasty impact... You guys get in a fight with something else?"
[b]He blinks twice before speaking.[/b] "We fell down here. We were walking and the floor just crashed and we took a huge fall."
"Really? That had to be nearly a mile drop... Seems something cushioned the fall, and the impact damage is nowhere near his head or memory banks. The only reason he would be acting up-" *he stays silent and stops in his tracks* "Don't. Move." [b]A large cloud of shadow starts to pass in front of them.[/b]
[b]Jack remains still and silent. He doesn't move an inch.[/b]