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9/28/2015 3:03:43 PM

Year 1 is now Pointless... Great.

Hey... Yeah, YOU!!! Before you read anything in this topic, read the bottom paragraph and if you approve, comment the quote. Thanks. After going over the 'new' Taken King dlc for Destiny, I realized that there is more disappointment than excitement in this expansion. Although I have been enjoying the revamped, pimped-out, story line that is almost exactly the same, pointless and yet a complete let down in terms of story (unless you play the raid AND read for hours looking at online, digital cards). I must say... It's refreshing. But, and this a BIG BUTT, I am one of those sad nerds who spends there weekend completing the raid over and over until i get that most delicious drop that I wanted. To see those hours swept away by Bungie brings me to my knees. Also, I'm deliciously horny for my Epitaph. So, If Bungie does "listen" to what the community wants and also "wants" what the community wants, then there should be no problem with year 1 ascension to year 2. If you are one of these people comment down below: "Bring back <your favourite gun>" (example: "Bring back Epitaph 2261) or (example: "Bring back Fatebringer) or even ("Just give us our stuff back...PLZ!!!!") If enough of us do this... then maybe... just maybe. We can have our beloved year 1 items back so they can work in Taken King content.

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  • This is the itinerary of a classic MMORPG. Get used to it. Everyone insists on crying instead of doing what would seem to be the most logical thing, stop playing the game. If you're unhappy, move on. Would you stay in a shitty relationship but also keep crying about it knowing that you're never going to like it like you used to? I would hope not. Go play something else.

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    1 Reply
    • Hey! I know exactly how you feel! All my hundreds of hours spent chasing those guns turn out to be a waste cause bungie decided to press the reset button.. BUT! Try to understand why they did that? You see, they plan to have a 10 year long project and have anyone be able to join at anytime and still remain competitive with players who have started from year 1. Now, since I've been playing since year 1, by the time its maybe year 5, I'll probably have tons of guns but for those just starting in year 1, they'll be outclassed in every aspect.. thats not really fair right?? Moreover, if you're just going to keep your year 1 stuff, you probably won't go finding new weapons right? So, bungie wants you to play the new content hence, make you get new weapons!

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    • I'm happy to move on to new things. I had fun getting and using all my yr 1 items. Time to move on to the next chapter.

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      2 Replies
      • Welcome to the world of MMOs. Please expect year three to wipe year 2 away and year 4 to wipe year 3. I've expected this to happen all along, why have you not? Its the standard.

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        2 Replies
        • At least make year 2 versions of the vex mythoclast and the necrocasm so there is a point to doing the raids

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        • Destiny itself is pointless. Where have you been? Lol.

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          2 Replies
          • This post reminds me of the time that I bought a 2014 GMC Sierra, only to find out 6 months later that they had jus released the 2015 Sierra that had way more features than mine, looked better, had better interior,better sound system and a whole bunch of new cool know...newer shit. I went to the dealership to express my dismay and told them "look idk what kind of ass backwards buisness you're runnin here but I want a 2015 Sierra now and you can take back my 2014 Sierra because that shit is outclassed in every way by this new truck you jus put on the market" It's bullshit and would you believe that they jus laughed in my face and told me to leave??? Lol yea true shit man....WORST CAR DEALERSHIP EVERRRRRRRR!!! Wouldn't even give me my money back...can you believe that shit?!?!?!? [spoiler]satire[/spoiler]

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            7 Replies
            • Edited by bigfatbuns: 10/3/2015 5:39:30 PM
              My speculation is year 1 raid primaries with elemental burns made a lot of the content laughable forcing bungie to do away with all of it. They tried to accommodate this by making end game activities 1 level over the cap... ensue everyone crying about artificial difficulty. So to prevent this from happening they just had to leave year 1 behind. Think about it... people downing askor in under 10 seconds with 3 fate bringers, a rocket launcher that made a raid soloable by an entire community of gamers. It just didn't fit in their long term plan for destiny to leave these guns in the wild. They messed up on their first pass and made stuff way too powerful. It sucks balls. I really wish I could have a 310 fatebringer, VoC, her benevolence, found verdict - but I don't think it is going to happen... at least not anytime soon. If anything these guns will be repurposed as new shit i.e. Black spindle

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            • I miss my defense level 3 ghost...and Tyrion Lannister as its voice.

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            • Yep and next year you'll be saying the same thing about year two. And so on and so and so. Welcome to bungies money making business model.

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              10 Replies
              • Bring back the Mida multi tool

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              • If Year 1 has become pointless don't worry about it because in just over 11 Months Year 2 will be joining it

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              • Bringing Year 1 weapons into Year 2 would be absolutely disastrous

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                3 Replies
                • There is a big problem, why grind for new gear if your going to use the same old gear, They want u to actually want to play the game.

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                  14 Replies
                  • Just ran a three man fireteam from skolas to crota and got a year 1 monte carlo... didnt have it yet so its not pointless... it unlocked me to buy it for year two, something i have been needing

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                  • You do all realize you can buy year 2 versions of most of those exotics in the tower for 125 legendary marks

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                  • The problem here is not that you can't use your year one stuff it's that they killed it completely with what I've been calling the destiny reset. If you notice without the raid you max out at 300 light strange number until you think back to the first weapons you had in the game and realize that they too once had a 300 rating. Bungee did not like that we destroyed their content with the tools they gave us this was clear if you read the nurf reports they put about black hammer and ghorn. Also notice that you no longer have any primary weapons that do any burn damage. They want you to struggle with the content they have put out that's why your year one guns will never see the light of day. You have two choices accept the new destiny and enjoy what you can or move on November is just around the corner and this years line up looks good.

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                  • Edited by PatriotfanNH: 10/1/2015 12:06:59 AM
                    Children these days... anyway in case you haven't noticed your vision and Fb are in year 2, Treads Upon Stars (Vision of Confluence) and Imago Loop (FateBringer) they aren't as good as the olds one but their there.

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                  • Yep totally agree, i honestly think destiny is starting to lose its spark

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                  • Wow lazy -blam!- u won't even play a video game wow it's a game not work dick

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                  • Edited by WILLtheKILLA5: 9/30/2015 11:50:53 PM
                    That's weird my Black Temple set is not good enough for the LFR for Warlords content? Expansions, welcome. [spoiler]anyone who gets the reference gets Frostmourne[/spoiler]

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                  • most of year ones weapons are broken in pvp for exampl, messanger, thorn, ghorn, felwinters. bungie would be the stupid bu ch of idiots (if they arent already) to bring guns like those to year 2.

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                    17 Replies
                    • Edited by Ryuki: 9/30/2015 11:18:20 AM
                      Uh.. the reason you should be gearing is because you enjoy it and like to be in the top tier of people for that time. Its bragging rights. I got touch of malice today, I'm ecstatic. I know it wont be around forever, and accept it. If you ever played an active MMO (WoW, GW2) you'd know its not about the end of the road but the travel you have made to get there. It sucks that gear gets out-dated, but it's exciting that it is once again time to dust off that old, tiring gear and start throwing on some new and improved gear to take down the next threat to society. Just my two cents here

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                      6 Replies
                      • What you (and I) want is an horizontal progression system, where the old content could stay relevant through almost the entire lifespan of the game. They could and should do it like this, because of the low amount of total content and high amount of grind, but they wont because they prefer the neverending carrot on a stick.

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                      • Have to say in what mmo has gear rolled over into the next expansion? We are lucky that they let us use the old weapons as long as we did.

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                      • We're in year 2, it's how it should be. Crying like this is the reason PC gamers think they're the master race.

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