Someone tell this kids parents that this game is rated T for teen audiences and that they should return his game and ground him for being an Internet warrior. I'll tell you like I told the last small brained kid on here. Take 10 minutes to rub your 2 brain cells together and come up with a logical argument as to what you don't like about what I said, that way we can have a grown up discussion.
Well, I do sort of agree that they are better than bladedancer, but bladedancer is not as easily sniped or shot as a stationary sunbreaker or stormcaller. And mostly because, when hunter was nerfed, everyone who wasnt a hunter was happy, but everyone who used it was still pissed. However, I do agree that the overshield is op IF you get it on kill, but i am pretty sure that that is the sunspot perk thingy, so thats sorta irrelevant.
I main a hunter, but I play all 3 classes. I didn't really care about the hunter nerf, did I find it necessary no. But it was apparently something that the community and bungie found would make the game a more enjoyable experience for all. And balancing sunbreaker is something that I think would make the game more enjoyable for everyone.
Yes! Keyword: balancing! Not nerf, balance
P.S. This might have taken 10 minutes, but I did try to acknowledge both sides, so give me a little credit :)