NASA just announced they found liquid water on Mars! Before they found strong evidence of organic compounds and now they just found liquid water. This is as close to discovering life as we can get without actually discovering it! One step closer! This has to be one of the most exciting discoveries in space exploration in years. Great work NASA!
Edit: This also makes the possibility of a Mars colony a lot easier! One step closer from expanding from 1 planet to 2!
Edit: NASA believe the water is probably very salty. That's most likely the only way liquid water could exist.
[spoiler]That means we can actually say the forums are salty like the water on Mars!!![/spoiler]
Edit: I'm reading news about it as its coming out. Some scientists are think that terraforming Mars could be easier and faster if we have a source of liquid water! THIS IS HUGE!
Edit: More than 1100 comments! Very cool!
Our solar system is but a grain of sand in an endless sea of aw and wonder and yet we as humans have only begun to open the door to a universe filled with infinite possibilities. Being the most intelligent species in a solar system is like being the king of a chair. It means nothing, and yet it is everything we know.
[b][u]TL;DR[/u][/b]: NASA made a huge discovery by finding proof of liquid water on Mars which is a perfect environment for life.
Not the traveler damn I was tryna be a titan
It's been known for years that water is on Mars. Haha. Just wait for NASA to fully have a disclosure on UFO's. :)
We already found living beings on Mars, the Cabal, did you not get a grimoire card for that?
There's liquid water on Europa. So what? We still have the UV problem.
You know what we found the last time we saw water on Mars? It starts with "T" and ends with "raveller".
Put something about Destiny in here so the offtopic crybabies will take a chill pill. It's water, sure. This isn't something really new, we know Mars has polar caps and subsurface ice. What's that, it's ice that comes and goes. It forms and evaporates. We've all known about this... So the 'new' discovery is water from ice that trickles down slopes and evaporates. It's seasonal. I'm not sure how life can decide to start inside water that is freezing cold (and about to evaporate soon) on a very dry planet that lacks a thick atmosphere/ozone/magnetic field and is constantly bombarded with unfiltered solar and cosmic radiation, ranging in temperatures of 70 degrees to well over a hundred below zero (Fahrenheit.) It would have to exist somewhere underground, maybe beneath Gale Crater.
That's amazing! I'm very excited!
Good luck. . . . Getting past the exclusion zone.
The salt water on Mars made it all the way from the watery eyes of the Hunters.
Next question for NASA. Who got there first, the Cabal or the Transformers???
They already have a military base and colony living there-do some research. This is old news that's why they are telling us. They never actually tell you new discoveries in real time. It's still exciting though, I love space
So many religious people here at work not even willing to talk about this seriously, It's kinda annoying :/
now get ready for some asshat company to bottle it and sell it for like $10,000
There's a giant mothership guarding mars chillen around until we take them down guardians, were not setting foot on mars
Now to get past the exclusion zone.
At least we're safe from the cabal. EMERGENCY NASA BROADCAST: "Wether we wanted it or not..." awwww shit.
Whether we wanted it or not, we've found water on Mars. So let's hydrate their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege filters from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well hydrated but with the right team, we can punch through those water towers, take this beast out, and break their grip on Brita filtration.
Why is this in the destiny section?
Why is everyone mention "finding the cabal" The cabal didn't originate in Mars. They traveled to it a long time after humans had established civilization there
Inb4 moved to off-topic
I went to Mars but didn't get a water grimoire card
This forum bitched so much, the salt stack ran all the way to Mars
Is that it? They've found that shit like 3 times now. This thread clearly is over ran by over excited children.
Lol, the spoiler.
I think there is some water near [spoiler]that's just cabal oil[/spoiler]
Guys, Mars is freezing. But there is liquid water? What? I think that there is more than meets the eye.