I'm going to bump this.... But there is one small thing that troubles me about this post... He refers to water as being liquid... Water is only liquid... There is no reason to state that it's liquid water... Where's my haters at?
Water can become ice, liquid, or steam.
But water is not a gas, or solid... It is liquid
Yet they call it WATER vapor, and water. As for solid, what makes up ice?
Water is a fluid, not a liquid. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liquid Liquid is considered one of the four fundamental [i]STATES[/i] of matter. The others are soild, gas, plasma Water being liquid is considered the state for which the water is in, a liquid state. https://physics.aps.org/articles/v2/88 http://askville.amazon.com/unit-measurement-fluidity-liquid/AnswerViewer.do?requestId=13265877 The second link shows the measurement for the fluidity of a liquid. Why would they need fluidity to measure a liquid? Because liquid is the state that it is in
I love this
Being an idiot?
Damn you put forth some very compelling facts and I agree to it and then you call me an idiot... Awesome... I guess reasoning was never in your upbringing... Have a great day
No, you brought forth stupidity
Great have a nice day
Water: H2O(l)Ice: H2O(s)Gas:H2O(g). same molecular make up which indicates that is the same substance in in different states of density. so yeah saying liquid water is kinda important since I like a liquid ocean instead of a steam ocean
There is no steam ocean our ocean is liquid... Try again
Ice = solid water Water = liquid water Steam = gas water I think
Edited by Liquid__Lion: 9/28/2015 7:22:43 PMSorry bud but water will always be liquid... Ice is a Solid, Steam is a gas, and Water is liquid it's just the way it is... It's the way it has to be...
Don't be salty. This post has been salt free. [spoiler]Salty. Salty like the water on Mars.[/spoiler]
I have no problem with salt water... It's just the way you worded this, it's terrible... If you're going to put up a scientific post you have to come off as educated in the manner... The way you worded this by adding liquid to water is unnecessary... Water is liquid... So...
Shut up. Liquid metal, dry ice, chlorine gas. There are states for every type of matter. Saying "we found ice" doesn't tell you what type of ice it is. Saying "we found water" has NEVER fully implied that it isn't frozen.