[b]he jumps to a roof[/b] [spoiler]remember the gun[/spoiler]
*keeps following* *pulls out new weapon* *begins firing at the figures legs*
[b]he gets blown apart[/b]
"-blam!-."he says *he keeps going the way the man was going*
[b]you see a building On your HUD it says that the executives that the assassins are targeting are in a restaurant in side Upstairs you here like a missile is being loaded [/b]
I go and get the executive
[b]as you find them a rocket comes out of the building you exited[/b]
*he shoots the rocket before it comes near and grabs the executive and flys*
[b]some one killed all of the assassins Lrgo is on the comms[/b] Ugh... I'm Dissapointed [b]gun disappears from your hands You have fail[/b]
*he shoots the executive in the head and flys back to the dojo*
You entered a world of regret
I am regret
You don't know what you just triggered You will be eliminated
Bring it
[b]as you fly over the dojo you get shot down by an AA missle[/b]
*armor takes most of the beating but lands on the ground*
Edited by Devious_Melons: 10/4/2015 1:46:44 PM[b]lego puts away a rocket launcher and readies [/b] That executive was a member of the board of my company You will pay
*the man pulls out 2 fully automatic 45.cal pistols with armor piercing rounds* "Question, what is your armor made of?" He asks
Cosmic iron [b]arms a grenade[/b]
"Nice mine is plutonium." *he pushes a button on his wrist* *a faint blue glow surrounds him* "To bad no one can see under this hood."
[b]a drone grenade hits your face [/b]
*it hits the glow and bounce off* *multiple of him appear in a circle around you*
[b]pulls out storm breaker and spin's to win[/b]
*every time you kill one clone two take its place* "I do not want to fight you." *they all pull out tazers and launch em at you*
[b]blinks out leaving a 10 lb bomb which explodes [/b]