I've seen so many people who want to put themselves on a pedestal as a great pvp player because of a high kdr, in a single playlist, while putting others down with a higher overall kdr, and I don't get it.
'Your trials kd is negative, therefore your bad' meanwhile he's got a higher kdr in literally every other playlist, on all characters.
'Your kdr in rumble is worse than mine, git gud scrub' meanwhile his kdr is negative in everything else.
'You have a negative kdr in trials, therefore anything you say about crucible means nothing' meanwhile every kd, even overall kd is higher than theirs.
'I'm top 1% in assists per game, so I'm a better team mate than you, git gud scrub' meanwhile every kdr is negative
These are all things I have seen people say to other players.
The way I look at it, if you have an overall positive kdr, you're an asset to the team more often than not. In control this may not be the case, as a negative kd could have many captures which allow more team scoring, but hopefully you guys can see my point.
Anyone else think it's ridiculous to find the one stat that you may excel at in order to trash talk others? Got any stories you'd like to share?
Personally I look at combat rating, it seems to be the most accurate at telling who's good at the game. 100 seems to be average.
I usually just look at total kills. That's what tells me experience. Experience leads to skill. That's all that matters to me
Kdr, doesn't mean much, I generally judge people on their kill+assist ratio, because a lot of my kills get stolen all the time, also avg kills per game is a good indicator, my ldr isn't very high in most gamodes, because I have too many kills to change it. But my avg kills per game is 21
Fun fact, technically, it's impossible for a KDR to be negative.
I think KD should be removed from the game and they should just show game score & a score per minute type statistic like in BF. All KD does is promote camping, and "elite" players who are actually not elite, but use their teammates as bullet shields and are scared to be the first one into enemy lines. SPM was always a better stat imo, it showed just how much you were doing in a match, your impact on the game. If you had a high SPM there was no way you weren't having a massive impact on every game you played. If you had a low SPM, it's probably because you were getting a few sniper kills a game not scouting, not tagging, and solely trying to focus on kills and maintaining your "awesome 4KD" with only 4 kills. SPM measured your usefulness as well as your activity in every game and they could do with it in destiny instead of KD.
I had an amazing KD while doing the chaperone quest. All I did was camp until I got my heavy or super and then I camped with my heavy or super. Also, I never used my primary. Im usually around a 1.0 for that stretch I was a 1.9.
I die a lot in all crucible events and dont care what anyone thinks. At least i participated. If i make your team lose, oh well.
I don't capture flags In control. I protect the flag and let the blueberries cap them. I only play control for the bounties nothing else. I'll rather play rift or clash where some of teammates know how to protect B flag.
I've seen people who were bad but they were capping points. Those kinds of people you want on your team, not the ones who ignore control points and allow the enemy team to constantly hold all three.
Im close to 2.0 KD in Trials but about 1.0 in other modes Because in trials I play way more concentrated then in a control game where I just grind some bounties
Right on the money.
My kd is all around bad. But I play because I like feeling the hate waft over me.
I will say that I do look at trials kd when playing with randoms. You can be awesome in control or clash because it's more chaotic and there's more players to kill or an objective to play. Trials is usually a small playing field agains a (sometimes) organized group of people. Different play styles for game modes. Is the way I see it. Some people are bad at free for all some people are bad at team games.
KD means NOTHING AT ALL. Not everyone is a sweaty tryhard all the time. Some people play for fun some games. I played rumble matches using nothing but sword hilt, surely that didnt help my ratio. I've had terrible matches where teammates are useless and the enemy is like a swat team. Hard to walk out of that with a positive kd. But I went unbroken 20.0 kd yesterday. My avg is 1.3 Some people don't understand that one could deliberately lower their KD. Or maybe someone USED to be terrible, got really good at crucible, but is still working on repairing the KD from the beginning. Some of us thought Thorn was lame too.
My trials stats totally exceed my other stats
HOW TO TELL GOOD PLAYERS FROM KD WHORES: A kd whore (someone who goes in to skirmish in a three man fireteam) will just about always have more strength of the wolf medals then anything else. This means that their team gets 10 kills in total without anyone dying. This is a lot harder to do with ransoms so it is understandable why the people who go into skirmish in teams have thousands of them.
I see trials k/d separately compared to the other game modes in crucible. It's a completely different game almost in trials
I wrote this post faster than you did. Git gud <3
KDR - Telling the difference between skilled gamers and complete retards/kids. KDR is everything.
Depends what the subject is... I've seen people bash others KD when having an argument about the raid. Makes no sense. If the debate is about Trials, then your Trials KD is relevant.
Brace yourself. Here come the excuses and justifications. Glad you could make it "standing in a circle is the greatest contribution to mankind" guy.
KDR is only a part of a story, still a huge chunk of it though. ~[i]TheGreatNike[/i]
What if your k:d is about the same across all game modes?
Usually when people use KDR as an argument, that's a win for me, because I know they can't think of anything better and therefore have lost
High K/D means much less these days. Every single game of skirmish or salvage I play these days ends suddenly when the other team realise that my team aren't going to be a walk over. People quitting with zero punishment so that they can pad their stats has removed any sense of competition from what should be the most competitive playlists.
If you're greater than 1.0 you're helpful and your opinion matters.