These forums have seen a hellish two week period since The Taken King dropped. Why? To start, Sunbreaker. Then Black Spindle and Three of Coins and so on, so forth. I'm a little fed up with people completely going off-topic and getting a lot of attention, so allow me to outline the difference between the four things in the title.
"Should Black Spindle remain at 310 Attack for all the people who grinded Lost to Light for it?" That's it. A discussion, or at least the start of one, should be an unbiased question. No opinion should be shared. It skews the results you get and only attracts wars of opinion. A discussion should be answered with an opinion or an argument, depending on the context. Sometimes opinions are a good way to get information, but they aren't reliable.
"Hammer of Sol is overpowered because I can't beat it"! "Hammer of Sol isn't OP because Titans didn't have a sustained super for all of year 1!". Both of these are opinions. HoS is not overpowered because you can't beat them individually and HoS is most definitely not balanced just because they had "no sustained supers" for a year. That is not how balancing works. If someone presents you with an opinion, either respond with an opinion of your own or ignore them. An opinion is not a satisfying argument for or against anything.
"I think Three of Coins should be nerfed so that repeatedly killing the same boss lowers the drop rate of exotics, because it would prevent the farming of Draksis/The Gate Lord." That's an argument; something that, while still technically an opinion, has a logical basis and a structured reasoning behind it. There is a stark difference between a fair argument and an opinion. If someone presents you with an argument, logically you should respond with a counter-argument (not an opinion!), [i]maybe [/i]a fact.
"Titans using Hammer of Sol cannot be one-shot by any weapons but Snipers with the highest impact class." That's a fact. You can't refute it because it is FACT. I don't care how much you like [X], that doesn't mean it's okay to completely ignore [Y]. That, again, isn't how balancing works. However, facts aren't everything. They need context. Giving someone hard numbers and saying "[X] isn't overpowered because it only has [Y] kills total" isn't a complete argument; you need context - how many people use it? How many people use [Z] comparatively? [b]Context[/b]. If someone presents you with a fact, you should respond with an argument or a fact. Opinions do nothing but extend the discussion and cause unnecessary fuss.
[spoiler]If low-armor Titans can be one-shot by LDR-class snipers, then disregard the example. It's just an example.[/spoiler]
Too many people on this forum think their opinion is fact. That's not how this works. If I tell you "Arc Blade is balanced because I died earlier", that's an opinion. Not a fact. Nothing should be done to the game based on my opinion. Arguments and facts should be the only things welcomed in a discussion about, say, whether or not Shotguns are causing imbalance in the Crucible, for example. Opinions change nothing and simply make you all appear biased.
I am not exempt from this; I myself have, on occasion, posted my opinion against facts or without basis. Should I have? No. The point still stands. Have a little more sense about you when you discuss something; getting all hot and bothered trying to throw opinions everywhere won't solve anything. At least try to have a debate, as opposed to the current... well, wars. That's basically what they are. Wars of opinion.
Oh, and the constant "[Insert Class Here] are wrong and dumb" thing has got to stop. The player behind the screen has no affiliation with any of the three classes. The one they use as their main means nothing but their preferred playstyle. If someone, for example, defends a Warlock ability or subclass, don't look through their stats to see if they main a Warlock. It promotes bias and elitism. Cut it out.
In any event, I hope you all have a nice, logical day. It's a stretch (< this is an opinion), but hell... maybe it'll happen. If any of my explanations are unsatisfying, feel free to expand upon them.
[spoiler]Holy wall of text, batman![/spoiler]
I normally don't read walls of text, but when I do they make sense. Good job. Sadly, the day that people learn the difference between fact and opinion will most likely be the day Hell freezes over.