Do you think they are not as adept at questioning as we are?
Do you think the others will be offended while we show them what answering questions with questions is supposed to look like? Will they realise that they are all incredibly inferior?
Do we care if they are offended if we are teaching them such a valuable lesson? Are you British or of European descent?
Are we supposed to care? And Do beavers play hockey?
Don't we want to care, but only to a certain extent? What do you mean by such an odd question?
Does our gift of superior questioning demand that we care, to at least a certain extent, about thise who are question-impaired? Do you mean that you didn't catch the clichéd Canadian symbols?
Aren't we somewhat like teachers, with our jobs to enlighten and learn from our students? If my mind was on Europe, don't you think it would be fairly easy to miss those references? Do I understand that you are a Canadian now? Do you like Canada?
Shall we continue to teach them then as we are? Or should we attempt to reduce our current line of questioning to include less questions, that the under developed questioner may more easily understand? Would it have been better of I had made my question more obviously Canadian-inspired? How would you not understand that I am Canadian? What is there not to love about Canada?
Why should we lower the difficulty because the children are getting frustrated at the game, did you ever do that as a child? Shouldn't I have understood your references, especially given our proximity, if I had been focusing on the whole world rather than only Europe? Aren't I just confirming? Why don't you tell me, as a native Canadian?
You think you can question the questioning capabilities of others if your question is not to questioning standards of other's questions?
Do I need to bring into question the questioning capabilities and standards of others if I have seen so many circumstances of poor questioning or failed questioning?