I get my [url=http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://augoeides.org/wiki/images/7/73/Shadow_Scythe_of_Revontheus.png&imgrefurl=http://augoeides.org/wiki/index.php?title%3DShadow_Scythe_of_Revontheus&h=401&w=751&tbnid=IfHP5Ad82MwwpM:&q=shadow+scythe&docid=i83S89_5c8L0BM&hl=en-US&ei=BRcHVrmJBMiMNt2XvrAE&tbm=isch&client=ms-android-att-aio-us&ved=0CCMQMygAMABqFQoTCPmfhPjalcgCFUiGDQod3YsPRg]scythe[/url] out, see if I can get inside of it...
[b]you can't get in[/b]
"Shit" I say, as I look for any windows, then I "look" for any shadows inside...
[b]you are spotted and the shields flare shocking you [/b]
I fall, as Mi Lie comes up and picks me up. She makes sure the shields have gone off, and sets me down again. This time I crouch down, slowly looking for the thugs again...
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/29/2015 3:19:10 PM[b]you see a spider like robot with matriarchy symbols on it crawling on the outside of the ship checking for damage[/b]
I see it, and stab it in the middle. I then use up almost all of my shadows to surrond myself to teleport inside. [spoiler]Shadow is assumed, pwease[/spoiler]
Edited by Kain The Slain: 9/29/2015 8:19:35 PMyou get inside of the ship and find yourself in the crew quarters