As someone with autism, depression, and very low self esteem, I play Destiny, amongst other videogames, so that I feel like I'm accomplishing something, because I excel or am even good at nothing in real life. I loathe PvP content because I've never been an above average player in anything online against other people, so when Destiny quests force me into PvP, I already begin to feel bad. From that, Lord Shaxx's lines (which I can only assume were chosen to be inspirational to make us push harder) really do not help my self esteem or depression and feeling of failure. Yes, I am trying my hardest, I can't play any better than I'm trying to, and yet his voice is always there to remind me I'm a failure and will amount to nothing. I feel like the people of Bungie have completely overlooked the possibility of this happening.
It's more likely that they thought it was funny to taunt the losing team. They are "those guys". Of course whenever the Bungie team plays crucible it's likely most of them are the ones being taunted.
The only quest worth doing in the crucible is the jolly holiday. The rest of them give you 3 subclass emblems and a crap legendary
Either mute your tv or stop playing crucible. Shaxx is a character, meaning he has his own individual personality. That personality doesn't have to suit you.
If it effects you in that way then you shouldn't be playing. And probably shouldn't be on these forums either, with all the crap in here...
G8 b8 m8
Called mute just use it
Well maybe if your mental health is unstable you shouldn't be playing. Take a walk outside or read a book instead.
Well, technically nobody is forcing you to do anything. Best I can say is to just not let it get to you.
Edited by Synge_X: 9/29/2015 3:33:33 AMWhen's last time you saw Lord Shaxx in the crucible? He doesn't know shit and even if he did, he's way past his prime;)
They probably don't care honestly
I don't even notice him anymore to be honest. Just gotta block it out. Maybe use lord shaxx as little test as to how your feeling. Even though you may lose in pvp that's ok. Just try to improve a little at a time. There will always be negativity in the world unfortunately. But instead of focusing on the fact that you lost a game of pvp focus on positives. Try to look back at each game and learn from what you did wrong. As someone who had played collegiate baseball there were always people that would try to bring me down. The reality is even when you are at your best you can still fail and that's ok. But instead of focusing on the failure itself try to focus on how to improve for next time. Just gotta keep pushing forward but push forward with a plan.
More than half of the people commenting are just being plain rude. As for the quests, my suggestion would be to try and find a good group of people willing to help you out in the Crucible. Its a team game, and dispite what you see on the forums there is a ton of people willing to help. Other than that, hope you get the help you're looking for man.
You just have to remember that he isn't real and that you are the only limiter of your potential. I'm diagnosed with dyslexia but I have won many spelling bee's, wrote many essays, and read many books. Nothing can truly affect you, accept you bro.
Why are people commenting as if this isn't sincere? Don't you have anything better to do than pick on people online?
Edited by nextlevelsalty: 9/29/2015 3:00:34 AMIf something as trivial as a video game is affecting you that badly mate, I suggest you get some professional help and take a break for a bit, because it sounds like it's a self perpetuating behaviour and it won't help your condition one bit. Try playing a game that makes you feel good if it gets you down - Destiny can feel very unrewardimg and frustrating at times. Hope you're feeling better.
Shaxx is worthless. Every time he tells me to capture the zones I want to punch him in the mouth. I miss the Halo announcer.
Whether your trolling or not the forums are not the place for this.
You should just get five rapid kills, he shouts "This is amazing!" and by the sixth he'll shout "I can't believe what I am seeing!" But in all seriousness, it's just a game man don't take these things so seriously. You do you we'll do us and we'll have a grand ole time. P.S. I think my favorite Shaxx moment is when he yells "Fight back!" at my team (certainly took me by surprise).
Shaxx is the crucible
Sounds like it may be time for you to play a single-player game.
Bad troll is bad
If you start to get to overwhelmed get some help. If you are a minor talk to your parents and ask for help.
Edited by Gabriel912219: 9/29/2015 12:56:51 AMI just play pvp with no game volume.
I don't think the Lord Shaxx quests lead to an exotic weapon. You can really abandon them if you want.