originally posted in:Live Free Raid Hard
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Please use this forum post to sign up for The Kings Fall Raid only! You may choose a time listed Below or Start a New group by Posting Your Best available Time & Date! This post is NOT to be used for LFG! All LFG should be posted on the Group Wall. Alternate spots are always Available & players will be chosen by Membership, Available Class & Light Level so sign up even if the group is full!
[b][i][u]Sign Up Instructions:[/u][/i][/b]
You Must Type Your XBL Gamer Tag, ALL of Your available Classes & Light Level! If you Do NOT follow the sign up instructions EXACTLY as you See in The example your post will be ignored.
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
12-12-12 @12
[b][i][u]All Start Times are US Eastern Standard Time & Approximate Within 1 Hr![/u][/i][/b]
If You Cannot make your start time you are required to contact an admin AT LEAST 2 HOURS before the raid starts.
Groups will be updated periodically & finalized by 8pm the night before so make sure to check back & add your team mates to your friends list!
Welcome to The Kings Fall Raid!
Good Luck!
[b][i][u]Tuesday 9•29 @5-6pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
SeeMeTrolling23 (304 Warlock)
R Jimy R
FriDisdemona (301 Warlock x2 )
Coevus (303 Warlock)
InvictaGamer (299 Lock, 301 Titan)
[b][i][u]Wednesday 9•30 @5-6pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
untouchable3213 (299 hunter, 295 warlock)
AoD Insanity 44 warlock 298
ImpulseAegis (296 Hunter) Alt
[b][i][u]Thursday 10•1 @5-6pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
[b][i][u]Friday 10•2 @5-6pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
untouchable3213 (299 hunter, 295 warlock)
Deacon do wrong (300 warlock, 294 Titan)
[b][i][u]Saturday 10•3 @10-11am[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
[b][i][u]Saturday 10•3 @3-4pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
Deacon do wrong (300 warlock, 294 Titan)
[b][i][u]Saturday 10•3 @8-9pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
[b][i][u]Sunday 10•4 @10-11am[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
[b][i][u]Sunday 10•4 @3-4pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
[b][i][u]Sunday 10•4 @8-9pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
InvictaGamer (295, Warlock)
[b][i][u]Monday 10•5 @8-9pm[/u][/i][/b]
x 7h3 p1s7oL x (303 Hunter, 300 Titan)
ImpulseAegis (296 Hunter) 09-30-15 @ 5pm