*Murph pulls her to a wall so she can sit up, but she is still out cold. You notice Murph is missing a good number of tendrils, and his chest and hands are now white, rather than red. A tightly coiled tendril is attached to his left arm resembling a shield, while a coil of multiple shortened tendrils in the shape of a sword's hilt rests in a holster on his waist*
"Aww... wake me up when we get there..."
"I think we're about to start moving...." He picks her up, in his arms, giving her a good spot to rest her head.
"Yay...!!!!" [b]she smiles.[/b]
He smiles back, responding to Murph's post to start the arc up.
[b]she leans on him.[/b]
As she falls asleep, he quietly talks with Murph about a rather......difficult situation.
[b]she dreams of for fuk's sakes[/b]
Lmao He speaks, waiting for Murph to make a new post.
[b]While waiting for murph to continue this damn thing, Jack quietly walks over to a walk and sits down. He sets his two swords beside him and he meditates.[/b]
Python looks up at him, then back at A'Karo.
[b]Flames emerge from his body as he meditates.[/b]
The fire catches his eye and he looks up for a moment, soon returning to talking with A'Karo.
[b]The flames soon look as if they consume him and he disappears leaving the flames lingering.[/b]
He watches him "warp" out, shaking his head. [i]I wish we could all do that.[/i]
[b]You find that the fire just consumed Jack leaving him there but meditating in a better state[/b]
He shakes his head again and picks up A'Karo.
Edited by EvoTymes: 9/30/2015 3:22:39 AM[b]Jack stands up, ready to leave. His body still covered in flames.[/b]
He stands as well, waiting for Murph to respond.
*He looks towards Minerva who isn't paying attention* "Important things."
Edited by Python824: 9/30/2015 3:22:16 AM"What? Did she do something.....or someone?" He eyes Providence.
[quote]*his voice gets quieter* "There's a reason Red couldn't just call in a warship to destroy the planet, apart from her being inside. If it feels threatened, the spreading process will begin. At first we seemed like an easy target for the planet, but now that we've killed the Shade... We're running out of time. Red can get you all out, but..." *he trails off then looks Python in the eyes* "Where's Phantom?"[/quote]
"He's back on the ship. What do you mean, "but"? It's good she can get us all out." He keeps his voice low.
"That's the thing... If we all get out, we won't be able to stop this thing in time." *he looks down* "I'm ending it. It has to be a Genesis."
"No, there's gotta be another way. Murph, this isn't happening, I won't let it."
"Listen, Python. It's you, me, her," *he says as he points to Minerva* "Or the entire world. You've got A'Karo to take care of now and I won't let Minerva. No matter how hard she tries."