Get ready for the forums death tomorrow. This will be the most abused thing I've ever seen.
This is unbelievable. This is unfair. I want to see the forums burn, so, have fun for the next couple days abusing this
This is like the original vex had a baby with the loot cave.
Thanks to SMILEB4DEATH for making this vid
As a titan main I think this deserves to be patched, though I do want to see this abused and see the forums burn a little :)
PM me if you want to do this against Atheon on Ps4 tomorrow.
So I tried it against oryx! It worked well.but I couldn't get the hang of it, I only did it for a little. I would recommend only abusing this on patrols and strikes, it's not worth it on other things
Haha, once again DPJ comes with his daily late news.
Here. I'll tell you about this super op glitch and tell you how to use it too! Just pinky swear not to abuse! Promise? [spoiler]I smell retard[/spoiler]